L.O.S.E. Newz
• 30m

L.O.S.E. finally manages to take over the airwaves with a fake news broadcast. Voltar and the gang use their ill-gained show to broadcast fake news and trick the good citizens of Metrotown into believing the craziest stories! Things get tricky when LOSE'S fake expose on dolphins wanting to take over the world winds up being true and no one in Metrotown will believe them! It's like the little villain who cried hero all over again.

• 30m

An evil powerful alien blob has taken control of Voltar's arch-nemesis, the apathetic neighbor Steve. Upon turning Steve truly evil, he immediately kidnaps L.O.S.E and holds them prisoner in his evil alien Gazebo lair. It then falls upon Voltar to come with a master plan so devious that he will make Steve finally care. Oh, and possibly defeat an ultra powerful alien blob in the process.

Hot Can-Tato!
• 30m

All pretence of evil friendship is lost when the L.O.S.E. members compete against each other for the ONE prize any villain would want - a guided tour of Skullossus' space station, along with a FREE buffet.

Doomhound in Love
• 30m

It's evil puppy love when Doomageddon falls for Precious, Lighting Liz's pet poodle. Voltar and Liz do NOT want their pets mingling with each other. Liz thinks Doomageddon is too gross for her Precious and Voltar thinks Precious isn't gross enough for his Doomageddon. But when the pair run off to Doomageddon's personal dimension - Doomworld, villains and heroes will have to work together to bring their pets back. Can polar opposites Voltar and Lightining Liz cooperate long enough to find their pets?

• 30m

Voltar finally gets to live the life of a superstar when he discovers that he bears a striking resemblance to the oh-so-WUVVABLE kids show host Snugglebum. Shock turns to evil opportunity when Voltar realizes that when you look like a celebrity people will take care of your EVERY whim.

Friendship Day
• 30m

The one day of the year FriendShip Year where old foes (cats and dogs, villains and heroes, Doomageddon and Frogg) put asside their differences and have fun...with each other!

Mr. Wubby
• 30m

Voltar is unable to sleep when his sleepy-time blanket, Mister Wubby, is accidentally sold by Red Menace at a yard sale. Things go even worse when they discover that the new owner is none other than Metrotown's very own nighttime defender Nightshade. Now it's a race against time to get Voltar's precious Wubby back, because no Wubby and no sleep make Voltar really cranky.

U.O. Me
• 30m

Voltar gets busted by Justice Gene at a concert for sugary sweet pop star sensation Prima Dana. Not wanting the rest of the world to discover his horrible secret fan crush, VOLTAR is forced to do Gene's bidding, including doing Gene's laundry, letting him foil L.O.S.E.'S plans and calling Justice Gene the coolest foe ever. It will be up to Frogg, Red and Doomageddon to save Voltar from a fate worse than any evil known to man...being Justice Gene's best friend.

Force Fighters VI
• 30m

Red Menace is forced to get a part-time job with the Force Fighters in order to help Voltar obtain an ultra-expensive growth formula (Voltar wants to make a giant Sponge Dinosaur). As the newest Force Fighter, Red Menace pilots the Giant Moustache and spends all his free time fighting giant monsters. What happens when Red Menace's swell job conflicts with his best friends' dastardly plan/dream to have a giant sponge dinosaur rampage throughout Metrotown?

• 30m

Changemorphers, little toy robots that transform into everyday items like a potted plant, are the hottest selling toys, and Voltar wants one. But not the toy. Frogg transforms the V-Mobile into a fully functional Changemorpher, V-Mobilus Magnification! Unfortunately V-Mobilus Magnification starts to become pain, seeing EVERY appliance in the lair as an enemy spy that must be destroyed. Will LOSE manage to get rid of their would-be robotic savior before he destroys the lair?

Back to the Coupons
• 30m

Voltar has found gold - a book of expired coupons! A lesser villain might not be able to see the benefits of said gold unless said villain had a brilliant plan! And Voltar has it! He'll simply travel back in time so that he can use his coupons with impunity! Time travel and Voltar, honestly what could possibly go wrong?

• 30m

While on an afternoon of doomhound mayhem Doomageddon gets captured by the city dog catcher and is quickly adopted by the one person who can foil him, Glory Guy's super powered son - Junior! LOSE will have their work cut out for them as they try to rescue Doomageddon from their greatest foe ever - an infant with super powers.

L.O.S.E. The Movie
• 30m

Incensed that every man, dog, hero and average joe has their own movie, Voltar sets out to make the greatest movie about the greatest villain ever - Himself. Lights! Camera! OUCH!

Vote Voltar
• 30m

Voltar is fed up with the 'rules' and 'regulations' the so called 'mayor' of Metrotown insists his citizens follow. So Voltar 'borrows' the mayor's all-powerful golden sash to abolish all rules! But Voltar quickly discovers that rules are good... as long as he's the only one who doesn't have to obey them...

November 16, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Last Villain Standing
November 15, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

November 14, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Journey to the Center of Evil
November 13, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

My BFF Destrucktor
November 12, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

The Cookoff
November 11, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Golden Claw
November 10, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

All You Can Eat
November 9, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

And The Loser Is...
November 8, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

November 7, 2011 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Etched in Stone
• 30m

When the Great Voltar doodles his name in wet cement, the leader of the League of Super Evil figures he's left his permanent evil mark on history. It's up to Justice Gene, now a probationary member of the Legion of Glory, to track down the mysterious wet cement defacing bandit and bring him to justice.

Hard Boiled
October 21, 2010 • 30m

The Great Voltar sets his sights on destroying the beloved early morning meal of breakfast. Voltar's plan to use an Invinci ray to make eggs uncrackable backfires however, making Voltar completely impervious to damage. Can Glory Guy defeat invincible Voltar and save the day? Or will Metrotownians everywhere be forced to say goodnight to breakfast?

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