Fortune hunter Dick Bremerkamp schemes to marry Elly May.
An actor plans to capture the Clampett millions by passing himself off as kin to Davy Crockett.
An unemployed actor is making a big play for Jane.
Jethro's bachelorhood seems headed for extinction.
Elly joins the women's lib battle against Drysdale.
The women's movement strikes at the bank.
Granny and Elly seek happiness as liberated women.
How to thwart a women's lib strike: hire geisha girls.
Granny and Elly launch a fem lib protest.
Women's lib protests hit Drysdale's bank.
A task force of Clampetts awaits an invasion of the U.S. by fish.
When The Clampetts learn that the grunion are due on the California coast, and having no idea who or what the grunion are, head down to the beach to defend it from invasion.
Granny's frog phobia fades away.
Can Elly find happiness married to a frog? Granny's still fighting the match.
Escalation of Granny's frog fixation: she's sending for reinforcements to help fight the frog.
Drysdale tries to stop Elly's marriage.
Granny's afraid her family will turn into frogs.
A dream sends Granny to a psychiatrist (Richard Deacon).
Granny believes that Elly's beau is a web-footed freak.
Granny's trying to cure her frog fixation with a potent elixir.
One Granny plus one Navy frogman equals a running gag: Granny thinks Elly's new beau is a frog.
Shifty Shafer cons Jed into buying the U.S. Capitol.
A con man (Phil Silvers) tries to sell Washington, D.C., to Jed.
Jed plans to hand his millions over to the President.
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