A Makai Knight is killed right in front of Rei and Leo says goodbye to Kaoru as she gets the final inspiration for her picture book. Rei and Kouga go hunting for the creature that killed a Makai Knight when they find the man in the red mask, and his identity soon becomes known.
After Kouga and Leo finish a training session, Zaruba spontaneously combusts. Kouga calls Jabi to help, who goes off to repair Zaruba, but the man in the red mask appears before her and attacks.
Kouga goes off to have all the evil ki cleansed from of him that has built up after each battle. After he returns, a Horror that can manipulate time appears and challenges the Golden Knight.
An ancient samurai makes a deal with a Horror and is resurrected in present day. He is in search of a worthy opponent and finds Rei, who reminds him of the Makai Knight he saw as a child.