Hot Wax, Cold Facts, Pt. 2
April 29, 2022 • 9m

Anthony introduces Diane to his mother and friends, resulting in a less than stellar outcome that forces her to reevaluate their relationship.

Hot Wax, Cold Facts, Pt. 1
April 29, 2022 • 7m

Diane has a chance meeting with a normal, down to earth guy named Anthony and gets swept up in his endearing chivalry, but not without her usual neurotic overthinking.

Brad's Abs
April 29, 2022 • 7m

Diane falls (literally) for a guy with chiseled abs, but comes to find that physical wellness doesn't always equate to mental wellness.

The Arteest
April 29, 2022 • 8m

Diane meets an underground celebrity artist and becomes enamored with his talent until he shows his true colors.

Jean-Luc, je t'aime...?
April 29, 2022 • 7m

Diane dates a French doctor who has everything she's looking for in a partner - aside from one crucial element.

Catfish Po' Boy
April 29, 2022 • 8m

After a series of abysmal dates, Diane turns to internet dating in hopes that it'll be easier to find the perfect mate. It isn't.

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