It's the day of the concert, and everyone starts to show signs of nerve and excitement. To calm down the other members, Ted arranges a barbecue to raise their spirits; at the barbecue, all band members express how much they enjoy the current project and agree to treat the project as an actual band instead of a one-off performance.
The band discusses their next day warm-up performance, during which Sebastian and Jason debate their stage show, and while Sebastian insists that the drummer look him in the eye, Jason simply prefers to play his own thing and others to follow. Ted takes Scott and Evan to a shooting range, where they fire various heavy weaponry. Jason stays home, because he doesn't like the idea, while Sebastian stays to take a rest. Ted's wife Shemane also arrives, and voices concern about both her attitude not being a "rock-star wife" not fitting in with the other wives, and the constant swearing of the band.