Synopsis: Three babies are kidnapped in a small country town - then a fourth disappears with it's mother. Boney uncovers a cult based on Aboriginal lore as the townspeople try to start a new tribe to replace those displaced by white men. Notes: Based on the novel 'Murder Must Wait'. Filmed in New South Wales.
Synopsis: While investigating sheep rustling and reprisal killings of stockmen, Boney walks into a full scale clan feud between two Australian outback families who cling stubbornly to the grim traditions of their Scottish ancestors. Notes: Based on the novel 'Bushranger Of The Skies'. Filmed in New South Wales.
Synopsis: A light aircraft carrying a large payroll disappears after a forced landing on an emergency airstrip in the bush. Boney and Alice McGorr make a startling discovery at a nearby convent, a 'silent order' where the nuns are not permitted to speak. Alice risks her life posing as a nun, while Boney searches the bush for two kangaroo shooters who prefer human game. Notes: Final episode with Kate Fitzpatrick as Const. Alice McGorr. Filmed in New South Wales. Not directly based on a novel.
Synopsis: A white man is shot and 'buried' Aboriginal-style in a tree. Nobody on the outback property where the body was found will admit having seen him, although he was watching the homestead from his camp. Boney has to deal with a fanatical Army officer out to avenge the death of his mate, who captures Alice McGorr and tests Boney's skill and ingenuity to the full. Notes: Based on the novel 'The Will Of The Tribe'. Filmed in New South Wales.
Synopsis: A half-caste Aboriginal, bearing a striking resemblance to Boney and using his name, is killed when a crop duster engulfs him in a lethal cloud of insecticide. Dr. Paul Henderson seems over anxious to protect his fiancée, Gloria Lacey, the daughter of an outback magistrate. Gloria had an affair with the murdered man and has received death threats. Notes: Based on the novel 'The Bone Is Pointed'. Filmed in New South Wales.
Synopsis: A famous show business personality is found murdered at a luxury health farm. Boney checks in as a guest to investigate, and has to unravel a complex case involving a change of leadership in a ruthless international crime syndicate. Notes: Based on the novel 'The Devil's Steps'. Filmed in New South Wales.
Synopsis: Boney investigates the disappearance of a U.S. senator at sea, near a small Australian coastal town. Boney's investigations reveal that the senator was murdered in order to protect the headquarters of an international drug syndicate. Notes: Based on the novel 'The Mystery Of Swordfish Reef'. Filmed at Port Macquarie, New South Wales.
Synopsis: An astrologer predicts his own death, but not at the hands of a murderer. Boney investigates, and soon finds there is more to the case than meets the eye. Notes: First episode with Kate Fitzpatrick as Const. Alice McGorr. Based on the novel 'The Battling Prophet'. Filmed at Port Macquarie, New South Wales.