July 28, 2014

Kiran compares traditional and ultra-modern fishing techniques, before visiting smokehouses in Malindi.

Ostrich Egg, Cow's Blood and Cattle Hump
July 21, 2014

Kiran makes poisonous hunting arrows while in the Maasai Mara; he investigates the Maasai approach to cattle husbandry.

July 14, 2014

A local cassava farmer supplies some seasoning before Kiran constructs his own spear gun to catch the main ingredient.

Tea and Molo Lamb
July 7, 2014

Kiran visits the Kericho man-made tea fields and learns the process of tea picking; he then travels to the Molo region where he smokes a prize Molo lamb with the tea leaves.

Coral Fish, Oysters and Clams
June 30, 2014

Kiran meets fishermen who fashion improvised surfboards from debris and then paddle out into an estuary with a perilous tide.

Mt. Kenya Trout
June 23, 2014

This episode's dish requires a visit to two very different landscapes - a sweltering, crocodile-infested lake and freezing mountain slopes.

June 16, 2014

Kiran checks out mnazi, the local palm wine, and has an uncomfortable time trawling for prawns.

Lake Victoria Whitebait
June 9, 2014

Heading west, Kiran visits a peanut farm and picks green bananas, before being caught by a storm while fishing.

Rice And Fowl
June 2, 2014

Kiran tries surfing cows in the Embu rice paddies, and protects the crops by joining a duck hunt.

May 26, 2014

Kiran heads to the lake in Naivasha, where Louisiana crawfish are a tasty presence.

African Wild Honey And Game Meat
May 19, 2014

In Machakos, Kiran learns how to catch guinea fowl and marinate them from inside at the same time.

Mud Crabs
May 12, 2014

Chef Kiran Jethwa travels to the Kenyan town of Malindi, where he collects tamarinds and catches some monstrous crabs.

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