Steve thinks it's high time for Jamie to get a job and pay his share of the household expenses. Brenda and Katie are frustrated because they're sure that Bob, the apartment super, is deliberately evading them. They both have repairs that need to be done, but they never see Bob; they just keep finding Post-its on their door saying, ""Sorry I missed you."" Steve gets Jamie a temp job doing data entry at the convention center; he makes sure to have Jamie read the company's policy on sexual harassment. Jamie immediately makes himself far too much at home and becomes instant pals with an amazing number of people; he even makes friends with Timmy, the boss's ten-year-old son who scans all the information he was hired to enter, and Jamie presents Steve with a printout in record time. Katie and Brenda are determined to do whatever it takes to meet Bob face to face. Steve's boss is impressed with Jamie's work and gives him an even bigger project; Jamie is forced to admit he knows absolutely nothi
During a photo shoot Jamie liberates a luxurious mink coat that's about to fall into the hands of some protesting fur activists and takes it home. It's Katie's birthday, and she's not thrilled with the book of ""1001 German Jokes"" that Steve has given her, Jamie gives Steve the fur coat to give her instead. Brenda is appalled when she sees the coat; helpless animals being killed in the name of fashion is horrifying. Steve admits he didn't know the animals died; he thought they were shaved. Katie says she can't accept the coat until she puts it on and instantly feels like a sexy forties movie queen; then, Steve later tells Jamie, they have terrific sex on top of the coat. Jamie is beaten up by a neighborhood gang. Jamie tries on the coat, adds a fedora and goes out; he quickly realizes that when he's wearing the coat he gets respect on the street. For the sake of his sex life, Steve is desperate to get the coat back; the guys fight, and Steve gets the coat briefly until Jamie reclaims it
Katie's really angry with Steve because he refuses to go to dinner with some friends she wants him to meet. Jamie kidnaps ""Hootie"", the mascot owl from Hooters, and is keeping it in the apartment. Steve manages to break through Katie's defenses by giving her a tape of sentimental songs that he tells her he's made especially for her; as a matter of fact, he tells Jamie, it's actually a tape he made at age thirteen in an attempt to score with a cheerleader. Jamie grabs the tape at the first opportunity and uses it on Brenda who is also charmed, but she tells him how much she loves it in front of Steve and Katie. Katie busts him immediately, so Jamie enlightens her that Steve made the tape fifteen years ago. Katie grabs the tape and throws it out the window as Hootie swoops by and flies away with it. Bill Clinton is walking on the White House lawn with an aide as the tape falls out of the sky at his feet. Jamie and Kevin are at a bar as Jamie unsuccessfully tries to write a poem for Brend