Mai wears a dress
April 28, 2017 • 5m

Mai wakes up after several days of unconsciousness. Her memories of recent incidents are hazy at best…but, one image persists in her mind above than others. The image of her older brother Jubei. Ever since his death years ago, she thinks about him a lot…but this time, for some reason, the memory of him feels different. His visage feels clearer…more recent…more powerful than usual… Just what happened before she lost consciousness?

March 24, 2017 • 9m

Mina Kim is used to being the center of attention. And so, when she suddenly finds herself on the outside looking in, it doesn’t sit well with her. She doesn’t like being ignored. Deep down inside, she doesn’t like feeling unwanted. And even worse, all the attention recently has been sucked up by one woman and one woman only…Ayane Shiun (the Chubby Mermaid). Mai ignored Mina for Ayane. Bobby ignored Mina for Ayane. Even the Principal Queen Morrigan seems more interested in Ayane than Mina.

November 11, 2016 • 11m

Consumed by the dark death, Ninja Girl Mai lashed out and accidentally struck down her only brother Jubei. The one she thought was dead. The one she had sworn to avenge. The realization of this tragic fact overwhelms her with emotion, and she faints. Meanwhile, a shadowy figure approaches in the darkness of the sewer tunnel. It’s up to Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) to protect herself and her fallen friend from whoever challenges them!

Black Dog
August 12, 2016 • 12m

Using the power of death which enveloped her, Ninja Girl Mai was able to escape the spiritual world. She returns to the living plane with one thing on her mind…revenge. Revenge against Morrigan for killing Mai’s clan. For killing Mai’s older brother. A Mai possessed by the overwhelming power of death’s pure energy sets her sights on Morrigan, the woman who took everything away. But, before Mai can kill Morrigan, Ayane intercepts. Ayane (Chubby Mermad) can see that Mai is not her usual self… Ayane must stop Mai before she crosses the line and becomes the monster she wants to destroy…

Big Woman
June 3, 2016 • 10m

To honor Ninja Girl Mai's memory, Mina Kim has defeated Morrigan in battle. Or so Mina thought… Unfortunately, it'll take a little bit more to keep the Spider Queen down for the count. In the blink of an eye, Morrigan lands a crippling counter attack on Mina which leaves her helpless. Just as Morrigan stands poised to inflict a fatal blow on Mina, an acquaintance from episode 4 makes a startling return! Britain's own "Ladybird" Angela Rose (or "Ladybug" if you'e American) steps in to challenge Morrigan to a one on one fight. Who will be the bigger woman on this fateful night? It's BIKERS vs NINJAS! Meanwhile, Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) and Mouse bump into Bobby Sykes in most unexpected ways...

Skim Milk Sisters: Mai's Final Words
October 17, 2015 • 12m

Mina Kim inadvertently saved Ninja Girl Mai from the grips of the afterlife. But, just as Mina and Mai are about to return to the world of the living, the Stick Bandit prevents Mai from leaving. Mai is technically dead, after all (hence the halo). The Stick Bandit's job as the grim reaper is to preserve the balance between the living world and the afterlife. He sends Mina back through the door of life, while sending Mai toward to door of death… Before she meets her end, Mai uses her final words to call out to…Ayane. Mina wakes up in the living world and finds Mai's body next to her. Apparently, while both were on the verge of death, their unconscious bodies had collided in the rushing river (perhaps that physical contact in the real world is what allowed Mina to touch Mai in the spiritual world).

C+ is still a passing grade!
October 16, 2015 • 11m

Mina Kim is no stranger to danger. She's a thrill seeker who ironically feels most alive when faced with imminent death. After getting her butt kicked by Kit Hart, Mina falls unconscious into a nearby stream. On the verge of drowning, she finds herself in the spiritual realm, trapped between life and death. But, she's been here before…after all, as a consummate risk taker, she has gambled her life on more than one occasion… Her extensive experience in this spiritual realm has left her with a few special tricks…like her trademark electrical kicks. There are some abilities a human being can only learn once they transcend the limitations of the physical plane…manipulating spiritual energy is one of them. Mina uses her electricity to magnetize the "life" door and extend her time in the realm. This gives her a little more time to explore the place. She quickly discovers that her spiritual energy can pierce through the ground!

When you look at the moon, think of me.
July 25, 2015 • 11m

"Are you…my Luna?" Halloway Jr., the self proclaimed boyfriend of the moon, encounters a mysterious young woman late in the evening. Her eyes shine like the night itself. Her presence as intense and intimidating as the heavens. One of the spirits residing within Mouse is an ancient Aztec warrior, fabled to possess a speed as chilling as the night winds. When Mouse falls unconscious (after healing Ayane), her warrior side is awakened. Her desire is to wander the Earth in search of opponents worthy to die by her hand… Halloway is only too happy to oblige. Anything for his Lunar Queen... He will give her the greatest fight that he can...even if he has to die trying...

I'm Gonna Die For You
April 11, 2015 • 10m

Somewhere between every human being's last breath and eternity, the recently departed souls from the land of the living face a difficult decision…a literal life and death situation. Will you reclaim your previous life and earn a second chance? Or will you succumb to the despair and uncertainty of the ever after…from which no one ever returns. Death. The answer seems pretty obvious. Why face the uncertainty of finality when you can simply go back to living the life you just left? Unfortunately, it's not so simple, as Ninja Girl Mai and Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) soon learn. Severely injured after a battle with Morrigan and the Kuragari clan, the two young women are plunged into the depths of an underground water current…the threats of drowning and blood loss envelop them.

Destined to Die Young (The meaning of Shiun)
January 17, 2015 • 11m

Last time, Katherine "Kit" Hart found some sort of psycho pervert girl attacking her precious little "brother" Bobby Sykes in his bedroom. No one hurts her little Bobby an gets away with it! So some Hart-style Texas justice was in order... Kit Hart (the world's most competitive woman), defends the virtue of her dude in distress, taking out Mina Kim in the process... Meanwhile, Ayane Shiun takes on Morrigan in an attempt to rescue Ninja Girl Mai. However, this isn't the first time Ayane's family has clashed with Morrigan's ninja clan... Back before Ayane had to change her family name from Murasaki (紫 "purple") to Shiun (紫雲 "purple cloud"...a one letter difference), Morrigan had approached Ayane's father, Shouichi Murasaki. Morrigan challenged him to a fight, with the winner earning a certain Murasaki/Shiun family heirloom: the fabled Shiun map. However, Shouichi, an old fashioned man despite his relative youth, refused to fight a woman. Things escalated quickly from there...

November 15, 2014 • 10m

Halloway Jr. takes romance very seriously. So, when he believes that Bobby Sykes is mistreating the institution of love by lying about his feelings, he forces Bobby to choose between Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) and Mina Kim in a life or death situation. However, the experiment's results are still inconclusive. So, Halloway proceeds to plan B...a set up! While Bobby and Mina are unconscious, he drags them to Bobby's home and stages a compromising scene: Bobby and Mina (both involuntarily) lying in bed together! With a video camera set up to record the whole event (no way Bobby could possibly blame THIS on Photoshop), Halloway hopes to frame Bobby and make Ayane break up with him. It's for their own good, of course! You shouldn't be with one person when you're in love with another. Bobby's relationship with Ayane was founded on, there's no way he'll ever have actual feeling for her...or will he?

Kiss Kiss, Fall in Love!
August 29, 2014 • 9m

The Moon Man Halloway Jr. has an accidental "encounter" with Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid)! Halloway's special ninja ability, complete mastery over emotion, allows him to feel what others feel...even know what they know. Ayane is one person who feels with all her heart, and so her extremely earnest, powerful emotions trigger Halloway's ability involuntarily! The incomparable love revealed to Halloway is so staggering that he is intrigued by its recipient: Bobby Sykes. Conveniently, Bobby Sykes appears before Halloway, concerned for Ayane's well being. Bobby sees her lying unconscious at the feet of the silver haired stranger and assumes the worst... Halloway couldn't be more pleased by these circumstances. A perfect opportunity to evaluate this Bobby Sykes person. Does he deserve such undying affection from this innocent girl? Does he love her, too?

June 2, 2014 • 9m

Finally, the school headmistress, Queen Morrigan enters the Porkchop 'n Flatscreen universe! It seems that the students have been getting away with too much delinquency the past couple of days. And, as Morrigan always says: "A school without discipline is a school without class!" Don't get a detention in a school run by ninjas, or you may live to regret it in a life or death battle with the Spider Queen herself! Ninja Girl Mai, Mick the Blade, Mina Kim, and the Bangers find this out the hard way! Also, who is that young man standing in the distance? At first Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) thinks it's Bobby Sykes...but upon closer examination it's someone completely different! Introducing Halloway Jr., the Moon Man!

Blackmail! The Princess and the Knight!
June 13, 2013 • 22m

Explore the powerful relationship between Ayane Shiun and Ninja Girl Mai! Even best friends fight...but can Porkchop and Flatscreen make up before it's too late? Also starring Bobby Sykes, Mina Kim, The Krunky Punks, and Mouse! Keep an eye out for Manami Toyota's Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex as well as a Sailor Moon / Tuxedo Mask reference!

He's the dream she won't remember when she opens her eyes
March 4, 2014 • 10m

After rescuing Mina Kim from her fall off the Fred Hartman bridge, Bobby Sykes attempts to escort her back to her home. However, they run into some trouble along the way with the Bad Biker Boys...and their buddy Angela "Ladybug" Rose...the Bad Biker Babe! It promises to be quite the memorable night... Or perhaps not...

Crazy like a fox, cute as a mouse!!
December 10, 2013 • 9m

After rescuing Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid), Bobby Sykes hit his head and fell unconscious at the end of the first episode. Now, he's been captured by The Krunky Punks: NUTT, BLADE, and TINY. Now, Mouse stands before Bobby, ready to strike on NUTT's command! Will she attack Bobby and become an official member of the Punks? Or, will the unexpected happen, instead? Also, is that the eternal thrill seeker Mina Kim there on the Fred Hartman bridge? I hope she doesn't fall...

Ninjas in the Classroom!  Don't Blow Our Cover!
June 12, 2012 • 11m

Mai and Ayane are new students at M.I.T. (The Maximus Institute of Texas). However, they are more than just your ordinary students...they're apparently undercover ninjas. Can they keep their secret a secret? Probably.

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