Flameswater is to be launched in a shopping centre. Bertram ensures that the stall is in order and that people stand neatly and wait in the queue. Bertram gets into trouble with the Flames' biggest fan, and suddenly the Flames don't dare to be there. What does Mother do when she discovers Christoffer's new business?
Kaya is responsible for children backstage at MGP. If everything goes according to plan, she will be allowed to take part in making the real MGP live show. Kaya finds herself in an unfortunate dilemma between the participants and must make a quick decision to get the troops under control. Is she doing the right thing?
Bertram has arranged for a lecture with Casper Harding and Thor Farlov at his school. Casper thinks Thor is a lagging idiot. He immediately sets about planning how he can beat Thor and give a better lecture than him. Bertram struggles with low self-confidence, but receives advice from Thor, who puts him in a very embarrassing situation.