Mum unravels the mystery behind who the shooter under the biker helmet is. With possibly one last visit across their universes, Mum must give Dew all the help he can to save not just one life, but two.
Time is quickly running out for Dew and Mum; Mum promises to help solve the mystery of Dew's murder before the end of the timeframe Mum can travel between their universes.
Mint develops a crush for Dew while working with him as the Vice President of their class. Their mutual friend, Aun, grows jealous and bitter over the relationship between Mint and Dew.
Mum saw Dew die from a gunshot wound the night they met, but on the second night he finds him alive again. Mum tries to find a way to help protect Dew from the unknown danger he is in.
Mum finds himself growing ill with a cough; he returns home from work to get some rest. After laying down, he awakens to find himself in a completely different room and finds a stranger sitting at the end of his bed.