The Boys debate cow licks and who had them, Ricky and Julian are out of solitary and Ricky’s not doing so well, Lahey talks about the ‘shitline’, and the Boys visit LA with Randy to cook with some mystery chefs!
All the hash has been smoked in Jail, Ricky Brown talks about temptation, Lahey talks trailer park psychodynamics, and Ricky contemplates how many Big Macs a killer whale can eat!
Randy tries to evict Ricky while he’s in jail, Lahey teaches the rules to drinking bourbon, Bubbs gets gives us a lesson in some Hendrix, and the Boys learn weird beard facts!
The Boys are hopeful to be accepted to the early release program in jail, Randy gives Don a raise while Mr. Lahey is in jail, and the Boys go a RUSH concert!
Bubbles dresses up like Angus Young to teach Back In Black on guitar, the VCR breaks in jail but Terry saves the day, and Lahey remembers why he hates Halloween.
Ricky carves pumpkins with a chainsaw on Gettin' Learnt With Ricky, the Boys go for sushi for the first time, and Lahey is a 7 out of 10 on today’s Liquor Stories!