Everyone has a dream of going for gold in the High Jump, but failure can often be spectacular and painful. Shooting from the spot in football looks easy, but the science can get you, and attempting a slap shot in ice hockey, needs not only a sound understanding of the physics but some good balance as well.
Ski lifts, simple in theory, unbelievably hard to master. Paddle boarding is pretty hard but at least the landing is soft. The science of breaking down doors investigated. Don't mess with chemicals or you may experience more pain than you bargained for and wrestling in bubble wrap can be great fun..
Caster boards are even better than regular skateboards to injure and humiliate yourself. Unchecked, fish tailing will cause a jack knife. Attempting a break dancing 'air flare' is probably best tried on something soft. Don't mess with waves, they will get you, and trial biking can be a painful experience.
The snowboard flip, always a perfect way to humiliate yourself in front of your friends. Bouncing on a space hopper needs to be precise or else pain and failure will be your only reward. You would think there was little that could go wrong while juggling a football, well think again. Trikes are inherently unstable making riding a risk.