Part 3
April 21, 2023

Both love and fear escalates between Deepa and Rohan, so does the fear of Surmesh finding out about the illicit affair between the two. Deepa plans to run away to the city with Rohan and elope. But, will her destiny abide by her actions, or will she be left abandoned by her own luck!

Part 2
April 14, 2023

Deepa and Urmi both start to feel the emotions that they never felt before. Deepa gets closer to Rohan, as he starts learning the tricks of the trade with her. Whilst, Urmi also starts liking the banter between her and Rakesh, as she starts to develop feelings for him.

Part 1
April 7, 2023

Deepa and her husband are small time crooks, who make a living out of selling stolen and smuggled goods in the village. Deepa's life changes drastically when a young guy from the city, Rohan fortuitously meets Deepa and starts working with them, only to realize an attraction budding between Rohan and Deepa.

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