Jeff travels to the plains of Montana to help save a delicate population of black-footed ferrets; preparing young condors for life in the wild; conservationists work to protect the endangered pygmy rabbit.
Jeff travels to the Canadian border to help Native American tribes re-establish new bison herds across tribal lands; how ancient bison herds once shaped the Great Plains; American bison on the Kodiak Island Archipelago.
How climate change is impacting North American wildlife - from sea turtles in Florida to giant garter snakes in California; bison and musk ox adapt to the rapidly changing Alaska ecosystem.
Exploring North America's marine mammals; conservationists try to save sea lions that ate plastic debris from the ocean; sea otters in Monterey Bay; elephant seal migration.
In the Pacific Northwest, Jeff helps relocate a family of beavers to new, protected habitats; the vital contributions beavers make to their environments; exploring bumblebees in Alaska; bats in the forests of Northern California.
Scientists fight to protect elephant seal habitats along the coast of California; Jeff works to bring three rescued sea lions back to their homes in the wild.
Gopher tortoises need to be relocated from a land development project; scientists monitor the population of green sea turtles; tiny terrapin live in the wetland marsh of Massachusetts.
Helping Native American tribes reestablish bison across tribal lands; Jeff works with biologists to manage a delicate population of black-footed ferrets.
How a nuclear power plant is helping provide needed habitat for the American crocodile; the Eastern indigo snake; saving a species of turtle in Massachusetts.
Exploring the effects of a devastating drought in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California; conservationists work to protect the American beaver and the pigmy rabbit.
Some of North America's most amazing birds and the conservation heroes fighting to save them; California condors; birds at the Alaska Raptor Center; saving the salt marsh sparrow; protecting owls from harmful pesticides.
Jeff visits Mendenhall Glacier to discover how warming temperatures will forever change the ancient and massive block of ice; scientists study the impact of melting glaciers on salmon.
Jeff visits the central California coastline to observe sea otters; exploring an old growth kelp forest; bat conservation program at Redwoods State Park.
Jeff travels into the remote forests of New England to help care for some orphaned baby black bears; orphaned baby manatees in Florida; helping two opossums that were injured.
Exploring some of the most threatened and endangered animals that live underwater; Kemp's Ridley sea turtle; endangered coral reefs and how biologists are racing to save them before it's too late.
Saving California condors and Massachusetts saltmarsh sparrows; condor sanctuary of the Ventana Wildlife Society; Jeff works with the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Exploring some of the amazing animals that have benefited from the Endangered Species Act; conservationists return baby sea turtles back to the ocean; baby crocodiles in the Florida Keys; peregrine falcons.
Exploring Alaskan wildlife; helping a population of endangered beluga whales; managing the American bison population on the Kodiak islands; the western bumblebee.
Saving gopher tortoises from a real estate development; how gopher tortoises contribute to Florida's ecosystem by providing important habitat for many other species.
Jeff travels to the beaches of southern Florida to uncover the challenges facing sea turtles locally and around the world; releasing baby turtles into the ocean; caring for sick and injured turtles.
Jeff embarks on a mission to promote the conservation of America's wildlife and wild places; Peregrine falcons; black bear cubs; saving a unique species of turtle.