With nowhere else left to turn, Marieke finally comes clean to Wesley. With not much time, and an innocent life at stake, an unlikely group band together to right the wrongs of the past.
With Tamsin haunted by nightmares, Marieke convinces her to dig deeper for closure. When Rachel and James get wind of Marieke's advice to Tamsin, they contemplate the unthinkable.
James and Rachel team up to find a chinck in Marieke's armour. Natalie and Sisanda are at odds with one another, as she continues to keep their secret from David.
Rachel tries to buy Marieke off, but her plan backfires. Changing tact, a seemingly supportive gesture from Rachel creates an even bigger rift between the friends.
James and Wesley rope David into a day out. By doing this, he leaves Natalie stranded. A guild ridden David tries his best to get back into Natalie's good books.