November 4, 2014 • 2m

xoxox benedick hobbes

One Foot on Sea One on Shore One in the Boiling Hot Lava
November 1, 2014 • 10m

ben here. also pedro. but mostly me because this is my channel and i am benaddicktion. first: cake is really yum. also it is 3am. we have been editing for aaaaaaages. we’re still at bea’s so we have to be super quiet and pedro is saying he wants to write stuff but i am writing for both of us and i will just type up things as we say them okay fine pedro you write stuff Before Ben gets too carried away- he’s very tired. More tired than I am- I just wanted to remind everyone about Balthy’s gig later on this morning. He’s performing at 10am. Text him- or me- for details. Be there or be square, or something.

Nothing Much to Do
October 28, 2014 • 6m

This is our last video. Turns out having nothing much to do was a bit of a lie. Drama aside, we’ve definitely enjoyed making vlogs. Golly, we’ve learnt a lot this year! So what’s going to be happening when you don’t see our faces anymore? Next year Bea’s in Auckland, saving up to go abroad. Hero’s going to be at school still. All thrilling stuff we can assure you! So, yes. We won’t be back next Wednesday. Never again. Gone forever. Farewell, dear viewers! Have good lives!

October 21, 2014 • 6m

hero skedaddled soon after pizza yesterday but me and bea wanted to make this video due to our viewing adventure. enjoy! muchos love, teamb

Way to Tell You
October 25, 2014 • 4m

Alright, fine. I’ve put this up. Did you see that? That thing that just left? That was my last shred of dignity. It’s gone forever. This was never meant to see the light of YouTube. Dammit Balthazar. P.S. 100% NOT a song for Benedick Hobbes. Nope.

Project VI - Montage
October 12, 2014 • 8m

On Sunday I organised a picnic for my friends. I thought I’d share some of the brighter moments of the day, I hope that in some small way this makes up for the last video I posted. This is by no means the end of the discussion of what has occurred over the past few months, but for myself I want to acknowledge what is good about my group of friends. This will be my last video of the year, I need to focus on my school work and look after my friends. I won’t stop filming, I just want to get better at it before showing my work to the world again, there is a lot to reflect on. Goodbye, and thank you to you all for watching my videos, it has been immensely encouraging having your support.

The Mystery of the Disappearing Cat
October 12, 2014 • 6m

There are a few people we feel may want to shoulder the mantel of truth and justice and to this we say "Use it well."

Hello Again
October 7, 2014 • 3m

Thank you for watching our videos, and I’m sorry for my absence. Your support during these last few weeks has been incredible, and helped me through what I can only describe as a very hard time. I hope you respect my decision to not be angry anymore, but to forgive. I think there has been enough resentment and confusion amongst my friends. When I filmed this video I thought it didn’t need saying, but in case anyone needs clarification; Claudio and I are not back together. I’ve also been keeping up with my school work and I’m on track for passing the year with good grades. I'm really looking forward to when my parents come home in a couple of weeks.

Sigh Not So
October 4, 2014 • 3m

Another song by Balthazar. Genuine as always.

Project V - For Hero
September 30, 2014 • 7m

Throughout this year I have made a few videos. This is the one I am most proud of. Hero Duke; you are courageous and beautiful and a better person than any of us.

September 27, 2014 • 3m

this song is for bea. it is called beatrice, you're vivacious. because you are. i hope this helps to cheer you up. thank you to meg and balthazar for your help with this. that's not me looking at the lyrics. no it's not. really. really truly. and i didn't forget a verse. and i never lie. and i never rap. or wrap. not even presents. christmas is a horrible time. no surprises for you.

September 23, 2014 • 6m

there has been so much angst on this channel recently and the world isn’t always a bad place. i wanted to put something good into the world, i wanted to remind the world that there are things like flamingos and ukuleles and friendship. please be happy benaddickts. i hope this makes you happy.

September 18, 2014 • 4m

When editing this video, I became increasingly aware of how self-centered this action seems. It’s not meant to sound like an excuse. It was the only way I can begin to apologise. If this is not explanation enough, try watching all the videos of Benaddicktion, Nothing Much To Do, and Watch Projects.

September 17, 2014 • 2m

On Friday the 26th of September we will be meeting at the Circle of Friends in Western Springs Park, Auckland. People should come around 3:30pm. Ursula will have her camera as she has offered to film the messages for Hero. To the people who I have talked to about this already- you better show up. We would appreciate if no one tried to contact Hero’s parents, who have recently let us know that they will be away for another few weeks. We have that under control.

The Three Seniors
September 15, 2014 • 3m

We finally received a confession to his criminological actions from Robert with witnesses Claudio and Peter (aka Pedro). Well we understand what this fellow had to do with the whole carbuncal now. We just need John to put together this puzzle of sorts. He is now of the upmost impotence to the mystery at hand. Our condolences to the Duke family.

To John
September 13, 2014 • 1m

This is a last resort. We haven't been able to get ahold of you. I don't know, maybe you'll respond to this? Mum's not going to work tomorrow, her and dad are thinking about organising a search. Just let them know you're okay.

Trouble Is Our Business
September 12, 2014 • 3m

We have had a truly electrifying revelation. So, after much deliberation, we have set them, the criminals, free. Under the condition that Mr Borachio will meet us at the appointed hour on Monday, at the art block at 0915 hours, just after form time. Our handiwork was not exactly requited, as we still are not sure why or what or where or who is going on. One thing’s for certain; we are certainly aggrieved.

The Case of Artful Crime
September 12, 2014 • 3m

We continue our digressions with TEAM EVIL. Facts are uncovered. We do not plan on letting them go unless they present us with factual information of the highest veritaserum.

Partners in Crime
September 12, 2014 • 4m

The Watch is holding captured two members of the Team we know as EVIL. This is merely the opening of our interrogation of these criminologists. Note- Robert seems inebreated. This is no cause of us, he was like that when we found him.

What Happened at Midnight
September 12, 2014 • 1m

Expect more! The Watch is on the case! Our team of editors, sleuthers, and cinematographers, who consist of agent Ezekiel and Lololorien are on the job. To the diligent, nothing is difficult. We will get answers.

September 9, 2014 • 3m

mum let some people into my room yesterday while i was getting washing in. we made a video.

Two Go Adventuring
September 8, 2014 • 1m

Hello Watchers! We are in the midst of making action plans for acting! We will soon begin our quest for FREEDOM! LIBERTY! FEMINISM! WATCH coming SOON, hopefully if all conglomerates.

September 3, 2014 • 4m

we thought now was a good time to put this up.

August 26, 2014 • 5m

I don't understand some people - Bea

Hero's Birthday
August 22, 2014 • 3m

Here's the footage from last Saturday night. I didn't want to put it up because I thought it would come across as sensational. However, people have already uploaded edited footage from their phones onto facebook, and, personally, I don't believe the situation has been fairly represented. Here is an unbiased point of view.

August 22, 2014 • 1m

Footage from last week. We think this will clarity the situation and make it known to all how very bastardly John is. We were too late with our interruptions to stop this and shall continue gathering information on this case.

Investigating Leo
August 15, 2014 • 3m

This is more footage, of which we captured yesterday afternoon. We are needing to take drastic action at this point in time regarding the last video which we believed proved holy the worstness of the personal of Robert Robbie Borachio, Cora Petunia Anderson, and most of all John Donaldson. But also Mr Borachio.

How to Be a Hero in the Kitchen
August 13, 2014 • 8m

Hello everyone! We've been so busy organising the party that the only thing we had time to film for you was...to do with the party! Ursula said she might bring her camera (it's on Saturday!). I hope she does, her videos are always delightful! Also, people have been asking for a hair braiding tutorial so I will do that for next Wednesday, as well as update you on the party of course!

A Scandal in Messina
August 12, 2014 • 4m

We do not exactly know how or what of this footage there is to make. But we are positive that it is of upmost impotence. We have received this case and shall do our best to solve the mystery at foot!

My First Time
August 5, 2014 • 4m

Hello everyone! I've been wanting to do this video for a while now, so it was nice to have a reason to! I was planning to do another one with Claud this week, but he's been very busy over the last few days with football. We both seem to have a lot on at the moment, what with mid-year assignments and things to focus on! I also have a party to organise! But hopefully you will see one with the two of us soon, I swear he does exist!

August 4, 2014 • 5m

pedro and i (ben, aka benaddicktion, aka this is my channel) have been debating whether or not to put this video out since we filmed it on sunday. still not sure this is the right thing to do but it'd be good to hear your guys thoughts. and john had some good reasons as well. it is all hypothetical of course. hypothetically.

August 2, 2014 • 4m

Hi guys! Breaking the weekly schedule here! Bea, the girls, and I hung out last night and had so much fun we just HAD to share our evening with you ASAP. Sorry about not capturing more of it! But I'm not sure you guys would have found it that interesting. See you on Wednesday! - Hero xx

Watch This, Claudio
August 1, 2014 • 4m

Watch this, Claudio. Pedro here. Thanks for helping me edit this, John.

Bea's the Best!
July 30, 2014 • 5m

Sorry footage is a couple of weeks old, but Bea's busy with a history assignment at the moment, and I thought you might enjoy seeing this little conversation! The footage is from when we had school holidays and the girls came over for brunch! - Hero xx

July 29, 2014 • 8m

hi guys thanks again for all your questions!! there were so many. so. many. sorry it's been awhile since my last upload but i have been languishing with headaches and footaches and toothaches and backaches... update! my cousin has brought me tea. boy oh boy, it's nice having someone younger here who i can boss around.

An Ode
July 19, 2014 • 3m

My last video of Balthazar was apparently horrific as it was filmed on my phone ("It's just wrong"), so Ursula helped me to film this song AND edited it cause she's just that great. Definitely does him justice. The song's hilarious Balthy! You always know how to make me laugh. Good job hahaha

Q&A 2: The Second One
July 16, 2014 • 9m

Thank you again for all your wonderful questions! We had a lot of fun making this video. Also, thank you Balthazar for the beautiful guitar playing, and Verges, for your contribution on the kazoo - Hero xx

Help Me (Make Hero's Present Awesome)
July 8, 2014 • 4m

BEWARE!!! Hero!! Birthday present spoilers!!!! And Ursula, sorry, the angles are cringey and there is a LOT of shaky cam. So, yeah, really awkward but I needed to put a vid up this week. Just, don't watch it eh? Cool.

Dear Benedick
July 4, 2014 • 5m

Hey Team! It's Pedro here. Welcome to my house! Well, bedroom. Thought you'd all enjoy this update on Ben's wellbeing. And, to Ben, hope you take our message to heart when you watch this. Go get that girl of your dreams, that feisty femme fatale, with eyes as blue as cornflowers and hair like sunshine, daisies, and buttercups. Seriously, with your dashing smile and chocolate brown hair, you can't lose.

The Limits of Technology and the Art of Self-Representation in a Modern World
July 2, 2014 • 6m

Yeah, another video where I talk about my phone. I know, not so great... There's just nothing else to talk about. Everything is completely normal.

Problems with Pizza
June 24, 2014 • 3m

Hello everyone! Me again. An update on the life and times of me, Beatrice Duke, and my fellow companions. And Ben the dick. Talking about updates: ONE THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS YESTERDAY?!!! YAAAAAY! That's crazy. You're all amazin' hahahaha! wat

June 22, 2014 • 4m

footage from the pizza party! so proud of our football team for winning the game!! also okay there were these kids next door having a party too and who knew kids could be so loud man. wah i am outraged by them. interrupting this glorious moment i shared with beatrice. i mean, come on, "i'd rather be upstairs with my best buddy benedick" there's a double meaning in that.

June 21, 2014 • 2m

i took the camera to the pizza party but here's this first. it was like half edited yesterday but today i decided, yeah man i will put it up and so here it is. and today's footage will come out i dunno tomorrow. wah so confusing but i've been thinking alot and here's my thoughts hope you're all well!! i feel like i might be coming down with something.

June 19, 2014 • 2m

i overheard my friends saying some things and oh my god what is even happening in life anymore it's not true is it??? i think it's true. it's ridiculous but it's true. help guys.

First World Coat-Hangers
June 17, 2014 • 2m

Yeah, no makeup video this week, so sad. WHY was it so popular!??!! As if stealing my coat-hangers wasn't enough, now she's stealing my viewers?! Wat. I heard the bloopers were GROSS so I am STAYING AWAY. It can contaminate Ursula's channel.

Project IV - Makeup Bloopers
June 15, 2014 • 4m

Project IV: I have put some time into helping Hero with her makeup bloopers. I believe it's something everyone can enjoy.

June 14, 2014 • 3m

claud and i do another video. augh. i can't believe he'd rather have makeup on his face. hero, hero, hero- no one cares about makeup!! disgusting.

June 11, 2014 • 2m

so you know what???!! i'm never never never never never ever ever going to watch those videos again! goodbye.

Makeup Tutorial feat. a Special Guest!
June 10, 2014 • 8m

I show you guys some simple, step-by-step makeup tips, with a little help from an expert... Make you sure keep an eye on Ursula's channel over the next few days, no matter what Bea protests! I promise you won't regret it.

Project III - Life of the Party
June 8, 2014 • 5m

It was Pedro Donaldson's costume party last weekend. Celebrating both good times and being the new Student Leader for Messina High! It really was quite the event. Of course, I took the opportunity to further my video projects! So, I brought along my camera, and used what I'd learnt with the one shot at school and just tried to capture the life of the party in one go. I left my camera alone for awhile and, wow, the footage other people took was so interesting. I got a bit of background to the big argument Bea and Ben had. Editing that was interesting. I'm so happy to share the screen with a cat! How cute! And I feel I should mention that Meg said she wanted everyone to see just how much of a dick that guy was, so, happily, I got to show upsides and downsides of the party

All Around Great Guy
June 3, 2014 • 4m

Pedro asked me to upload this to clear everything up. So... enjoy.

June 1, 2014 • 4m

hi benaddickts. i've been mulling on this video and my hangover for a wee while now and i wonder what you'd make of it? the video that is. wonder if pedro found claud... fun facts: bath+sleeping=nope don't do it.

Pedro's Beeetch??!!!?!!1!!
May 31, 2014 • 2m

talked about some things, tired and confused. i can explain tomorrow. buttons are weirsd.

Claudio Joins Me in the Bath of Emotion
May 31, 2014 • 4m

pedro's computer has so many things on the desktop it's very cluttered. yes computer is in bathroom but not wet. pedro has lent me his computer but he does not know this has happened. many thank you pedro. i am uploading these videos on his computer

Bath Time It's a Bath I'm Not Actually Having a Bath
May 31, 2014 • 2m

bathy bath i am a bat in bath bat bath

Hello Guys I'm at Pedro's Party
May 31, 2014 • 1m

yo yo yo i'm gonna be uploading these videos all over tonight.

Preparing for Pedro's Party
May 27, 2014 • 6m

Much hilarity occurs when Meg comes over to talk costume ideas for Pedro's party. Urs is thinking of filming the actual party (for one of her 'looking at teenage life' project things) so keep an eye out for that on her channel! Cool. - Bea

Watching 101
May 23, 2014 • 2m

Footage from Friday afternoon, approximately 1534 hours (3.34pm civilian time). We intend to launch an investigation as we believe these hoi polloi position a threat and it is our duty to protect the common plebeian from such aristocracies. Please continue to watch The Watch. Deductions welcome. D&v

May 21, 2014 • 8m

Another anon on tumblr also asked "who are Bea and Heros favourite youtubers?" We felt the vid got a bit long so we left the answer out, but a few of our favs include:

Q&A for the Benaddickts
May 17, 2014 • 6m

oh my lovely benaddickts, thanks. here you go.

Single Pringle
May 13, 2014 • 2m

Here's me picking up from where I left off in the last video.

May 8, 2014 • 2m

i refute your assertions

Introducing Leo
May 7, 2014 • 4m

We caught Leo after soccer practice and convinced him to make a video with us! So: Introducing.... Leo's face! - Bea We're still doing the Q and A (coming soon!) so keep asking those questions! - Hero xx

The Ben Show
May 1, 2014 • 5m

pedro joins me today as we discuss the love life of dear claudio. aaaand, i've seen that q&a videos are all the rage so ask me questions and i'll answer them...

A Special Announcement!
April 29, 2014 • 4m

Me and Pedro have some pretty big news...

April 28, 2014 • 4m

my best buddy claudio is on my video blog today. we have some chats about the ladies.

Project II - One Shot
April 24, 2014 • 7m

At school the other day I experimented with filming everything in one shot. I managed to capture this fairly typical conversation between my friends. Honestly, Ben and Beatrice just don't know when to quit. So, here it is! A day of my life: caught on camera.

Summer Tips
April 22, 2014 • 6m

Hello all! A particularly hot afternoon in Auckland the other day inspired me to make this video. Hope you enjoy! - Hero xx Oh! And if you have any questions for us, go ahead and ask! We'll be doing a Q&A sometime soon.

April 13, 2014 • 6m

i'm ben, short for benedick, and i'm going to tell you a story.

The Game Is Afoot(ball)
April 22, 2014 • 5m

This here is a video encapturing our trepidation to the football field in order to practice our investigative skills. We would like to dedicate this video to Benedick, the year thirteen, who came up with the title. We would also like to thank the person who held our camera in the second shot. We are very much obligated to you. D&v

Football Antics: Part Two
April 15, 2014 • 4m

Here we introduce you to some people we want you to meet and some people we think you'd be better off not knowing. We're going to do a Q&A video so if you have any questions for me or Hero, comment them below! (or tweet them or through instagram or via owl or you know, whatever, get in contact with us, we won't bite)

We Are the Watch
April 17, 2014 • 4m

We are crime fighting detectives. We solve the whole mystery and find the whole person (or cat as the case may be). If you need our assistance please hesitate to contact us via commiserations on our video. If you want to join The Watch and make the world a better, unassailable and more conciseness place also contact us through commiserations on our video. We want thank Ursula, the year twelve, for her help with this video and for allowing us to use her channel to stream out our message via these videos. We hope there will be much more to come. Yes, the ginger-nuts you will find in your bag are from us. Much thanks. - D&v

Football Antics: Part One
April 9, 2014 • 5m

The Messina High School Boys Football team had a rematch in the weekend (of last years semi-final) and Leo's the coach! Thought we'd let you into a bit more of our lives. It's not like we have nothing much else to do! Hahahahahahahaha We're thinking about doing a Q&A video so if you have any questions for me or Hero, comment them below! (or tweet them or through instagram or via owl or you know, whatever, get in contact with us)

Project I - Vox Pops
March 23, 2014 • 5m

I want to experiment more with a visual medium other than photography. This is the first in a series of filming projects that I am setting for myself to complete through the year. In this video I aim to show the interests of an average high school student in New Zealand. I have done this by asking TMI/Too Much Information questions. I am aware of the bias in my selection of people as they are basically all my friends from Messina High.

A Wild Hero Appears!
April 1, 2014 • 4m

Hah! I made another one!

And So It Begins...
February 26, 2014 • 4m

This is my first video! The first of many to come hopefully. Be sure to come back next Wednesday for more fun times with me, Beatrice Duke. Okay. Bea out.

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