How to Live Happy
August 12, 2019

Dr. Partha Nandi gets the compelling, real-life stories of people who have found true happiness: Valerie Sheppard walked away from a high-powered career to find her joy and Monya Williams chose to be happy despite tragic life circumstances. Plus, Live Happy Editor Paula Felps explains how happiness affects health, Happiness Expert Andrea Goeglein, Ph.D., offers tips on finding the elusive happiness, and Psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser gives advice on maintaining positive relationships.

The Gut Microbiome: What You Put in Your Mouth Affects Your Body
August 5, 2019

Nearly 40 trillion microbes call the human body home. Recently, science has come a long way in understanding the importance of these tiny creatures living inside us. Dr. Nandi sits down with the leading experts in human gut health. Dr. Michael Murray demonstrates the importance of digestive enzymes. Billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist, Naveen Jain talks about how technology is unraveling the secrets of the human microbiome. And much more.

Are we Different or the Same? The Changing American Family
July 29, 2019

Dr. Nandi, MD knows families come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own challenges. Dr. Gail Parker discusses how families are integrating. Open adoption, ethnic diversity and a panel of recent college graduates all highlight how today's families are succeeding with patience, understanding, and love.

Balance Your Hormones & Get Your Life Back
July 22, 2019

Hormonal imbalance can drastically change a woman's life. Dr. Nandi looks into the latest treatments, including a holistic approach, pelvic floor therapy, acupuncture, and the key foods and herbs that can help a woman get her life back. Plus, OB/GYN Dr. Shawn Tassone tells his very personal story about what led him to look for answers to a woman's hormonal imbalance issues.

Is Technology Killing Us?
July 15, 2019

Dr. Nandi, MD investigates if cell phones are safe and how they are affecting our lives and our children. Join us in learning how to safeguard your family with Frank Clegg, former CEO of Microsoft Canada, and world renown experts from the Environmental Health Trust.

Steps to a Healthy Relationship
July 8, 2019

Dr. Partha Nandi explores the connection between healthy relationships and good health with best-selling author and inspirational speaker Mastin Kipp. Plus, The Love Doctor Terri Orbuch, Ph.D., talks marriage and love, and therapist Lyn Lewis, Ph.D., breaks down the best practices for many types of relationships. Also, Dr. Nandi talks with a longtime couple about their secrets to a healthy relationship.

Turn Back the Clock
July 1, 2019

Can you really turn back the clock and look years younger? Partha Nandi, M.D. talks with America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn about non-invasive plastic surgery. Plus, Dr. Nandi explores other anti-aging options with his expert guests, including natural skin care products, protecting your skin, and looking good from the inside out.

Eat Yourself Healthy
June 24, 2019

Too many of us are eating our way to health problems and early graves. Dr. Shelly Sethi reveals hidden ingredients in fast-food and explains why we should be cooking in the kitchen. A guest says butter and other fats are the secrets to weight loss and mental clarity. Heart Doctor Joel Kahn, MD reveals which dairy foods to ditch so you can avoid chronic disease. Nutritionist Teri Cochrane transformed thousands of lives and explains her radical back-to-basics lifestyle plan. And Ann Louise Gittleman, an expert and author of 30 books on diet shares what to put on our plates for the sake of our health.

Medical Miracles 2
June 17, 2019

Driven to help others, Dr. Nandi, MD explores exceptional healing methods that have eluded scientific study. Techniques where the "how" and "why" can't be scientifically explained but the results can't be ignored. Guest Jennifer Hough discusses the power of your thoughts and the impact on your health. Gary Stuart reveals how ancestral DNA can affect your life and what to do about it. Dr. Lin Morel tells how to approach life when bad stuff happens. Angelica Singh explains the Embodiment Process. And two extraordinary young girls can "read" while blindfolded, by tapping into their other senses.

Living a Sustainable, Toxin-Free Life
April 1, 2019

Green is the gold standard of healthy living. Dr. Partha Nandi shares the story of Dr. Dan Pompa who's environment and lifestyle made him chronically ill and how one woman, Kathryn Kellogg is avoiding toxins in her environment by living a completely sustainable lifestyle. And, check out some products that you can incorporate into your day-to-day, such as My Green Fills laundry products and AnnMarie Skin Care products to help make your life healthier.

Is Smart Health Technology Making You Healthier and Helping You Live Longer?
March 25, 2019

Just when we think we have all the apps and technology we need - Dr. Partha Nandi shows us some life-changing technology that may have us running to the app store. Join him and Aneela Idnani, the inventor of Habit Aware, Mary Ann Small, whose life was saved by the Familywize App and Alaina Hebert who used Zello to find and save hurricane survivors.

The Gut Brain Connection - Could Your Stomach Be the Cause of Your Depression
March 18, 2019

Is your belly making you blue? Join Dr. Partha Nandi and guest Gabby D'Auria who's poor gut health didn't just lead to indigestion, but depression too. And, hear from Dr. Shawn Talbot about what exactly is going on in your gut and how you can improve your stomach and your mood.

Are Gender Roles Damaging?
March 11, 2019

The evolving roles of men and women is a hot-button topic that's being explored by Dr. Nandi, MD. Life Coach Bryan Reeves was raised by women but is a self-proclaimed "man's man". He reveals why men feel emotionally disconnected and how they can embrace their feminine power. Sabrina Lynn of "ReWilding for Women" suggests women have become more masculine and are the ones behaving badly. She also spills the beans that secretly women do want a wild, rugged man. And relationship coach and couple, Satyen and Suzanne Raja share how it's possible to rescue failing relationships. You won't want to miss their mini-coaching session demonstrating how to recharge both male and female energies.

You Are Not Your Genes
March 4, 2019

Modern science is showing us that the idea that "your genes are your destiny" is outdated. Dr. Nandi speaks with Dirty Genes author, Dr. Ben Lynch about how we can clean up our genes to achieve greater health. United Nations Global Ambassador (and former homeless teen) Bryant McGill is living proof that our genes don't have to limit us. And lots more.

Dealing with Death
February 25, 2019

Death is a normal part of life, we'll all face or experience it at some point in our lives. Yet so many of us are too afraid to talk about it. Dr. Nandi, MD dives into this taboo topic with deep and provocative guests. Author Robert Clancy explains a powerful and comforting message: happiness can be found in the darkest of times. Transformative Speaker Gary Stuart lost his spouse and shares the lessons he learned from this grieving experience. A guest speaks about 3 devastating losses, and how she coped with her father's death, her best friend's murder, and her husband who died of a massive heart attack. And Energy Healer Elaine Grohman shares how she helps people prepare for death. Plus the details of her near-death experience.

Parkinson's Does Not Have to Stop You from Living
February 18, 2019

Parkinson's may be life-changing but the diagnosis is not a death sentence. It's quite possible to live a full and happy life. Guest Jimmy Choi shares how he once was so down and disabled he fell down the stairs while holding his 10-month-old son. He then turned his life around and has run in over 100 half marathons and was a contestant on American Ninja Warrior. Dr. Nandi and his experts discuss the effects of Parkinson's on the body, how successful deep brain stimulation is, and if physical fitness and dance therapy can improve symptoms.

Unlocking the Mystery of the Thyroid
February 11, 2019

Thyroid problems are often overlooked or misdiagnosed. Dr. Partha Nandi's expert guests unlock the mystery surrounding this very important gland. Dr. Amy Myers tells her own personal story about having a thyroid disorder and how she is helping other women with similar issues. Plus, author Rock Robbins reveals the harrowing story of his wife's journey with thyroid disease and how it affected their marriage.

Get a Good Night's Sleep
February 4, 2019

With so many of his patients complaining about not getting enough sleep, Dr. Partha Nandi goes in search of answers. Sleep Psychologist Deirdre Conroy, Ph.D., talks about how she cured one man's chronic insomnia after it nearly destroyed his life. Sylva Dvorak, Ph.D., explains how the body, mind, and spirit impact the sleep cycle. Infant Sleep Consultant Patty Jacobs has great advice for new parents, and Wellness Expert Karen Brody tells how women can go from worn out to well-rested.

A Healthier Brain Equals a Healthier You
January 28, 2019

With Alzheimer's on the rise, many Americans fear losing their memory. Dr. Nandi, MD talks strategies on how you can avoid this frightening disease. A guest describes her memory troubles and the steps she took to recover. Dr. Steven Masley offers food tips to reign in memory loss. Dr. Dale Bredesen talks about the End of Alzheimer's. Erin Sears Basile explains how stress can affect your brain and Dr. Tom O'Bryan discusses the leaky brain and a test to check how effective your blood-brain barrier is.

Can You Set Your Mind to get to a Healthy Weight?
January 21, 2019

Dr. Partha Nandi, MD looks at why diets fail and what kind of mindset you need to set yourself up for success. Two former food addicts who each lost 70 pounds share how they kicked sugar out of their lives for good. Research Neuroscientist Dr. Nicole Avena explains sugar addiction and the grip it has on our lives. Functional Nutrition Expert Sarah Morgan reveals how our digestive tract can affect our weight and brain. And learn what exactly is a healthy weight and mindset with RDN Mitali Kapila. Plus, how the ancient practice of yoga encourages healthy eating habits with Weight Loss Coach Bethany Perry.

Plight of Foster Kids
January 14, 2019

Dr. Nandi, MD explores how the foster care crisis has led to a shortage of foster homes. Leading Foster Care Expert Dr. DeGarmo has cared for over 50 foster children and reveals why so many kids are needing homes. A guest shares how her child-molesting step-father led to a string of foster homes, with one foster parent exploiting her as a round-the-clock live-in babysitter. Dr. Nandi explores fostering challenges with National Parenting Expert Dr. Sue Cornbluth. And a former foster child shares how the right loving home can positively impact the outcome of your life.

Please Make My Pain Go Away
January 7, 2019

Do you suffer from pain that just won't go away? Dr. Nandi MD and his guests discuss techniques and solutions that could be the perfect fit for you. Debora Wayne faced her own health crisis which led her to develop three critical keys to living pain-free. After a car accident, Emily Lark spent a year icing her back before creating the Healthy Back System. Dr. Rump explains how quantum neurology can fix the body. Phaedra Antioco advocates for Myofascial Release after waking in a hospital bed in a full body brace and a serious brain injury. And Dr. Schubiner explains brain-generated pain and how to overcome it.

Can Humanity Thrive on Another Planet?
December 31, 2018

We, humans, like to think we'll be here forever, but the geological record shows that's unlikely. Earthquakes, rising seas, asteroids...all of these have the potential to put our entire species at risk. So does humanity need a contingency plan? Dr. Nandi raises the issue with Naveen Jain, whose company, Moon Express, is building machines to mine the moon for raw materials...and Professor Paul Van Susante of Michigan State, whose work with NASA involved looking at the nitty-gritty details of what it takes to send humans to other planets.

Diet is a Four Letter Word for Failure
December 24, 2018

Be Your Own Health Hero is Dr. Nandi's MD mantra. He knows the weight struggle is real. Peter Thomas from the Biggest Loser, Florine Marks from Weight Watchers and affirmation/exercise guru, Patrica Marino all discuss how they have grappled with weight and won with their prescriptions for life.

Fitness with a Purpose
December 17, 2018

When it comes to achieving fitness goals, everyone does it their own way. But to be successful, you have to have a plan. Dr. Nandi, MD sits down with Fitera founder Chad Tackett, who started one of the first fitness communities on the internet. Yoga instructor Diane Body on the body positive movement and yoga for everyone. And more.

Dr. Nandi's Health Hero Before & After
December 10, 2018

Dr. Nandi, MD reveals his 5 personal steps to becoming your own health hero that will change your life for the better. Three guests discuss openly how Dr. Nandi's five key pillars helped turn their lives around. Judy shed 30 pounds with Dr. Nandi's nutrition plan. Patty's stress turns to peace after cultivating her mind with meditation. And Greg's depression led him to finding his true purpose in life.

The Addiction Epidemic
December 3, 2018

Are we doing enough to fix families in the midst of this addiction epidemic? Dr. Partha Nandi, MD is joined by treatment and recovery leaders who talk bluntly about this deadly crisis and what's needed for a full recovery. Tommy Rosen who faced an acute drug and alcohol problem says addiction is often a failure to face up to pain or fear in one's life. Also, a woman who used cocaine in high school and later became addicted to heroin following a hospital stay for appendicitis.

Kick Stress to the Curb!
November 26, 2018

Everyone has stress in their lives, but too much stress can be dangerous. Dr. Nandi gets life-saving tips from experts: Author Sharon Melnick, Ph.D., offers stress relievers for professional women, Stress Management Coach Lolita Guarin shows how to keep your cool in the workplace, Psychologist Dr. Susan Albers talks about the best foods for reducing stress, and the internationally-renowned Ajayan Borys speaks on the transformational impact of meditation.

New Age of Parenting
November 19, 2018

Dr. Nandi, MD explores how to raise healthy, well-rounded children. Founders of Building Connected Communities and Dr. Elisa Song discuss whole child wellness. Engage your children with advice from Katie Kimball, creator of Kids Cook Real Food, and teach your children to mediate with Dr. Madiha Saeed.

Will We Live to See 120?
November 12, 2018

Exponential technological growth is one factor that's extending the human lifespan. What are some others? Dr. Nandi sits down with the foremost experts on human longevity. Jason Prall talks about the Human Longevity Project. Holistic Heart Doc, Joel Kahn dishes on the importance of cardiac health. And billionaire philanthropist, Naveen Jain discusses the role technology will play in helping us reach the ripe old age of 120.

Connecting with Others
November 5, 2018

It's time to come out of your shell and make some friends. University of Michigan Center for Positive Organizations expert Chris White says It could just save your life. Join Dr. Partha Nandi, Chris and mass influencer, Teresa de Grosbois as they talk about the importance of surrounding yourself with people to make your personal and professional lives more healthy.

Does Cancer Have to Be Treated Just One Way?
October 29, 2018

Dr. Nandi, MD sits down with guests who faced frightening cancer diagnoses and opted for non-traditional medical routes. Stage 3 colon cancer survivor Chris Wark skipped chemotherapy and reveals his lifestyle changes that saved his life. Bio-energetic Chiropractor Veronique Desaulniers shares her breast cancer scare and why she feels it's necessary to heal emotional wounds. Hope4Cancer Medical Doctor Antonio Jimenez discusses effective holistic and natural cancer treatments used at his clinics. And Cancer Specialist Dr. George Howard explains how effective traditional therapies are and his thoughts on alternative cancer treatments.

Become Your Own Health Hero
October 22, 2018

A rise in chronic health conditions leads Dr. Nandi, MD and Holistic Doctor Madiha Saeed to investigate the root cause of chronic disease. Natural-Path publisher Razi Berry shares how to turn kitchen cabinets into medicine cabinets. Guest Ryan Lee faced aggressive treatments for autoimmune disease but was able to turn back the clock. Also, is it possible to battle blood cancer using turmeric? Plus a drug that could help when chronic pain is severe.

Stop Cancer Dead in its Tracks
October 15, 2018

Cancer doctors talk with Dr. Nandi, MD about the importance of early detection, treatment options and survival rates for some of the most common cancers. Plus, a cancer survivor tells her emotional story of discovering a cancerous lump in her breast during a self-exam and shares her road to treatment and recovery.

The Power of Having a Tribe
October 8, 2018

A conversation about the importance of the modern tribe. Bryant McGill, Jenny Young, and Susaye Greene discuss online communities and their power to heal in the real world. Slow Roll co-founder Jason Hall talks with Dr. Nandi, MD about building a grassroots tribe from the ground up to help revitalize a city.

Grab Your Life Back
October 1, 2018

If you feel life is passing you by then join Dr. Nandi, MD as he discusses how you can live life with passion and purpose. Thought-leader Mastin Kipp shares his powerful secrets for grabbing your life back. Ben Nemtin, star of the Buried Life reveals two essential ingredients needed for living with purpose. And life coach Helene Stelian explains why women are afraid to make changes and provides tips on how to live a more satisfying life.

Super-Charge Your Health
September 24, 2018

Dr. Partha Nandi, MD has the quick-fix-changes that will boost your energy, improve your mood and overall well-being. Emily Fletcher once thought she was living the dream but stress ruled her life. Now she's a true #HealthHero and on today's show, Emily demonstrates easy exercises and meditation techniques that will make you feel instantly calmer. Also Feng Shui expert Ivy Ellerby shares how you can transform not just physical spaces but emotional ones too.

Are Sports Killing Our Kids?
September 17, 2018

Dr. Nandi, MD investigates how today's sports are hurting our children. Former wrestling pro Chris Nowinski shares how he suffered multiple concussions and thought he could just "shake them off'. Wife of NE Patriots player Dennis Wirgorwski speaks out about depression and her husband's suicide. And Brain Disorder Expert Dr. Daniel Amen discusses a major study on NFL players.

All About Autoimmune Disease
September 10, 2018

A wide-ranging discussion of the modern epidemic that is autoimmunity. Dr. Tom O'Bryan details the broad spectrum of autoimmune disease, and how to spot the signs of a problem before it's too late. Also: Dr. Keesha Ewers on how suppressed emotions can morph into a physical disease, and more.

The Science of Relationships
September 3, 2018

An exploration of the intricacies of human relationships. Dr. Nandi talks boundary-setting with psychotherapist Terri Cole. Also: Kim Logan-Nowlin dishes on the secrets of a happy marriage, and Wendy Darling describes the often-complicated dynamics of workplace relationships.

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