Lost In A Glacier
May 10, 1999 • 30m

Carl, Roy, and their friend, Steve are travelling across a massive ice structure, when a snow storm blew in. While unpacking their gear, Steve accidentally created a crack underneath the three, and when stepping back, his foot got caught in a hidden crevasse, causing him to disappear beneath the snow. Roy and Carl reconnected their harnesses and lowered themselves into the crevasse to save Steve.

Scout's Honour
May 3, 1999 • 30m

John Baker, 53-years-old collapsed and stopped breathing during an Arkansas marathon, and twelve-year-old Stephanie Sherman was the first to react and step in to administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to save the man's life.

May 3, 1999 • 30m

Sixteen-year-old Eli and his disabled father were scouting a handicapped hunting area by van. While driving though thick bush, the van stalled, and Eli kept his father under blankets due to the cold weather. Eli travelled down the road for 4.5 hours before coming across a cabin. Shortly after, a rescue team was sent for Eli's father.

Safety Net
April 26, 1999 • 30m

In a conversation over the internet, his chatting buddy began crying out desperate pleas, revealing that she was having asthmatic attacks. Sean was able to keep her focus and call for an emergency team to rescue her.

Mountain Lion
April 26, 1999 • 30m

Dante and Aaron were hiking up a mountain trail, when a mountain lion jumped out of the woods. The strength of the mountain lion forced Dante to the ground, and Aaron began kicking it and throwing sticks and rocks in effort to save his friend.

In the Nick of Time
April 19, 1999 • 30m

A boy rescues two people.

The Rescue Team
April 19, 1999 • 30m

Omar and Shuggie arrived to help Mrs. Lewis and her son, by straining over and over to lift the car to free the son, but the weight of the car was too much for them. Their friend, Raymond arrived and pulled the car up, long enough to free the boy.

Runaway Bus
April 12, 1999 • 30m

On the way to school, a bus began to swerve violently, and the bus driver's body was slumped to the side. Larry Champagne immediately walked to the front of the bus, and grabbed hold of the wheel and corrected its movements until the bus could slow down safely.

Cliff Rescue
April 12, 1999 • 30m

When a man slipped off a 600 -oot cliff, and started sliding down the steep slope, Shawn and Colin reacted quickly by rigging a harness and using it to lower the man to a lower place, where he could get his footing.

Amy to the Rescue
April 5, 1999 • 30m

When thirteen-year-old Amy Toole learned that rope constricted her brother's friend's arms, ears, and neck, she immediately cut the boy loose, and began CPR to save his life.

Crop Dusting Crash
April 5, 1999 • 30m

Kris Cheater hurried home from hockey practise to help his father crop dust a neighbouring wheat field, using a small plane. On the last pass, the plane's landing gear clipped a power line, causing it to plummet and crash upside down. The chemicals and gas from the plane spilled out around it causing it to burst into flames with the father trapped inside. Kris and Kelly's persistence and quick action eventually save their father's life.

March 29, 1999 • 30m

Chris, Kerry, her mother and father, Melody and Bill decided to go on a canoe trip down the river. Up ahead in the river, Kerry noticed a sharp curve left and on the right was a fallen tree. As the current pulled the canoes, everyone fell into the water. Chris rescued Kerry, who was unable to swim.

Kayaking Crash
March 29, 1999 • 30m

While kayaking down rough water of a river, John's kayak was trapped between a tree and a stump at the edge of the river. The kayak folded, and crushed his legs, while pinning John inside. Jared, in his kayak close by, made bold efforts to bring Jon to safety, and alerting a rescue crew.

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