Stephen Mulhern is let loose on the streets of Portsmouth, spreading some fun to unsuspecting members of the public who get the chance to win anything from the price of their petrol to a thousand pounds in the final game.
Stephen Mulhern is let loose on the streets of Newport, spreading some fun to unsuspecting members of the public who get the chance to win anything from the price of their petrol to a thousand pounds in the final game.
Stephen Mulhern is let loose on the streets of Plymouth, spreading some fun to unsuspecting members of the public who get the chance to win anything from the price of their petrol to a thousand pounds in the final game.
Stephen is in Sunderland with his unique brand of games, challenging unsuspecting members of the public for a chance to win anything from the price of their petrol, to a thousand pounds in the final game.
Stephen heads to Birmingham for games and to challenge members of the public for a chance to win anything from the price of their petrol, to a thousand pounds in the final game.