"Midnight Cowboy II", a takeoff of the original Midnight Cowboy movie. Also, "Whatever Happened to Baby Ed" as a spoof of "Whatever Happed to Baby Jane". The final episode of "The Days of the Week" (with cameos by Catherine O'Hara and Carol Burnett). Finally, "Mel's Rock Pile" hosts the British punk rock band, The Queen Haters, and they trash the place.
Guy Caballero is busted for writing a bad check to Fred Willard, forcing the arrival of SCTV Chairman Allan "Crazy Legs" Herschman. In 'The Nutty Lab Assistant', Ed Grimley makes his debut in this spoof of 'The Nutty Professor' in which Grimley decides to concoct a potion to make himself more attractive to his girl crush, and he ends up transforming into pop singer John Cougar. Mrs. Falbo's Tiny Town looks at atoms and rainy day activities. Also, Jackie Rogers Jr. promotes his late father's last TV special, "Swingin' With Mother Nature."