Ken is hired by an American evangelical preacher to find out who is sabotaging his show in Birmingham and ruining his chances of winning a cable television contract. Ken discovers that the culprits are the brothers of a rival preacher on the cable television shortlist, but his sympathy for his client is short-lived when a friend of Harry's is left suffering from the effects of his faith-healing.
Margaret is hired to find a runaway rock star, and finally gets him back with Rocky's help. Ken, meanwhile, is following a man who is supposedly cheating on his ex-wife's alimony payments. Getting to know and like the man, he finds that he is indeed cheating - but that the wife is also secretly living with a rich man. Ken is faced with a dilemma: does he betray the ex-husband, or lie to his client?
Harry organises a charity ball with a dodgy character who runs off with all the money, leaving Harry to face an investigative journalist's cameras; he is forced into promising to replace the enire sum. The Texas Rangers, meanwhile, are thought responsible for some industrial espionage - which threatens to close them down. Rocky helps uncover the real leak, and Boon re-establishes relations with Margaret.