Spider and his gang go down to Los Angeles to meet a famous relative that Spider has known for a long time. Spider goes back to his long-term memories from the two-year incident. Shea and Logachu must find a way to find a device that will reach Spider and the others.
Loves in the air. Spark, Drake, and Miles propose to their loved ones on a date this Saturday. But with a little bit of trouble between Drake and Rebecca. The relationship will determine their long-life capacity.
Stacy wants to challenge her methods to the next level. She gets nervous when a huge riot team comes to play. With Stacy finding another team to back her up, she will need help with her aspiration goals to the next level.
Miles is having a very hard time controlling his rich behavior. He disobeys a lot of commitments that his father made to him. Spark and Drake spies on two amazing girls. By capturing in the act, the two amazing girls go out with a crazy bang.
Despite referring back to old-term memories. Spider shares his own early childhood memories, where all the huge incident first started. Apart from Spider, there’s been a “Elephant In The Room” going around.
A mysterious “Trivia Night Live” is happening, and all contestants are in it to win it. But until a weird control website begins to shake up. The Spider Crew must find a way to solve the issue bug.
Dixon and Spark fight over an insanity game called "Crash Course." When Spark gets too out of control, he realizes that the threats he made to Dixon could lead him to one huge mistake.
One of Spider's old comrades came back from a huge wild chase. When they rushed into another group of fellas, they must realize the importance of becoming one big family!
After seven months of taking a break from the city, Spider, Dino, and Skeppy come together to start a brand new journey. As they move into a new location, they discover a lot of brand-new vibes, especially big surprises!