Leo & Layla Meet Ulysses S. Grant
September 2, 2022

Learning to be a gracious winner is just as important as politely accepting defeat. Your elementary students will learn this lesson as they travel with Leo and Layla to visit Ulysses S. Grant, a man who navigated great victories in the Civil War and as the 18th President of the United States.

Leo & Layla Meet Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn
August 5, 2022

We should teach all of history-both the good and the bad-to our children in an age-appropriate manner. Only then can young people truly appreciate how far we've come. With help from Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, Leo and Layla discover the importance of perspective and learning from history.

Leo & Layla Meet Marcus Aurelius
July 8, 2022

Emotional balance is the key to a healthy attitude. Life's ups and downs are out of our control and there is an appropriate time and place to let out our emotions. Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius shows Leo and Layla how to manage their emotions, both good and bad, in order to maintain a stoic attitude worthy of an emperor.

Leo & Layla Meet George Washington
June 24, 2022

Our first U.S. president was a bold man of action, who led from the front and was ready to sacrifice everything for his country, even his own position of power. Leo and Layla visit George Washington throughout his life to learn what makes this Founding Father a true American hero.

Leo & Layla Meet Desi Arnaz & Lucille Ball
June 3, 2022

"I Love Lucy" star Desi Arnaz shares with Leo and Layla why America is the land of opportunity for immigrants like himself, who arrived with nothing and became successful through talent and hard work.

Leo & Layla Meet General George Marshall
May 20, 2022

General George Marshall and Winston Churchill teach Leo and Layla that there's no need to brag because actions speak louder than words.

Leo & Layla's History Adventures with Officer Tatum
May 6, 2022

When Leo and Layla find themselves in an unsafe situation, Officer Brandon Tatum teaches them the importance of a police officer's job in serving the community and enforcing the rules.

Leo & Layla's History Adventures with Ruth
April 22, 2022

Leo and Layla travel all the way back to Biblical times to learn a valuable lesson about loyalty from Ruth.

Leo & Layla's History Adventures with Teddy Roosevelt
April 8, 2022

President Teddy Roosevelt teaches Leo and Layla that you shouldn't always follow the crowd when making a tough decision.

Leo & Layla Meet Clara Barton
March 11, 2022

Clara Barton, a nurse who founded the American Red Cross, teaches Leo and Layla the importance of resiliency in the face of adversity.

Leo & Layla's History Adventures with the Wright Brothers
February 25, 2022

Leo and Layla learn about teamwork and cooperation from a pair of high-flying siblings.

Leo & Layla's History Adventures with Winston Churchill
February 11, 2022

Winston Churchill offers Leo and Layla a lesson on facing your fears and being courageous.

Leo & Layla Meet Marie Curie
January 28, 2022

A working mom, who is also one of history's greatest scientists, teaches Leo and Layla that women don't have to choose between family and career in this animated video for elementary kids.

Leo & Layla Meet Ida B. Wells
January 14, 2022

Legendary reporter, Ida B. Wells, teaches Leo and Layla the importance of honest journalism.

Leo & Layla Meet Galileo
December 31, 2021

Leo and Layla learn what scientific exploration is all about from "The Father of Modern Science."

Teach kids about freedom of speech as they travel back in time with Leo and Layla to meet Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in this animated video for elementary students.
December 17, 2021

Are your children being told that "going green" means relying on solar panels and windmills? Teach elementary kids the truth about nuclear energy with this animated video. When Leo and Layla meet Niyah from Central Africa, they learn that nuclear energy would allow their new friend to have all the electricity she'd ever need, and it would be the best way to preserve Africa's wild lands, open spaces, and natural beauty.

Leo & Layla Meet Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
November 23, 2021

Teach kids about freedom of speech as they travel back in time with Leo and Layla to meet Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in this animated video for elementary students.

Leo & Layla Meet Queen Victoria
November 5, 2021

Leo and Layla learn the importance of having good manners from Queen Victoria.

Leo & Layla Meet Benjamin Franklin
October 22, 2021

Leo and Layla take an unexpected trip to France to learn about the American Dream from Founding Father Benjamin Franklin.

Leo & Layla Meet Pericles
September 24, 2021

With help from the "first citizen" of ancient Athens, Leo and Layla learn about the birth of democracy and the importance of civic duty.

Leo & Layla Meet Frederick Douglass
September 10, 2021

Leo and Layla travel back to 1852 to meet Frederick Douglass for an honest and accurate look at slavery and learn how to create change.

Leo & Layla's History Adventures with Neil Armstrong
August 12, 2021

A trip to the moon and a chat with an all-time winner teaches Leo and Layla that there is more to be gained from losing than participation trophies.

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