Leo & Layla Meet Queen Esther
March 3, 2023

Want your kids to be a good influence on their friends and have courage to stand up for what's right? Leo and Layla travel back in time to meet Queen Esther, who teaches the brother and sister duo how to be brave and use a position of influence to make a positive change.

Leo & Layla Meet Mother Teresa
December 23, 2022

Elementary students will learn that being kind can start with something as simple as a smile. Leo and Layla travel to meet Mother Teresa, a role model known for her tremendous love and devotion to the poor.

Leo & Layla Meet C.S. Lewis
December 9, 2022

Teach your kids the importance of faith and courage with this animated episode about Christian author C.S. Lewis, a man who did not compromise his beliefs. Elementary students will be encouraged to stand up for what they believe in, when they travel back in time with Leo and Layla to meet the famous author of The Chronicles of Narnia.

Leo & Layla Meet Levi Strauss
November 18, 2022

Want a fun way to teach your kids about a Gold Rush entrepreneur whose persistence and perseverance paid off big? Your elementary students will love learning about Levi Strauss, the man who manufactured blue jeans and never let a challenge get in the way of his success.

Leo & Layla Meet Shakespeare
November 4, 2022

Do your elementary students know what makes William Shakespeare one of the most enduring authors in Western Civilization? Leo and Layla meet the famous writer and discover why "he was not of an age, but for all time!"

Leo & Layla Meet King David
October 21, 2022

Elementary students will learn the value of hard work and patience as Leo and Layla meet the ultimate underdog, King David from the Bible, who achieved great success and victory, even though he was once a poor shepherd boy.

Leo & Layla Meet Christopher Columbus
October 7, 2022

Why is Columbus Day being replaced with Indigenous Peoples' Day? Do your kids know the truth about Christopher Columbus? This animated episode explains why we honor Columbus and teaches elementary students not to judge events of the past by the standards of today.

Leo & Layla Meet Alexander Hamilton
August 19, 2022

It's important to teach our children that no matter how young they are or where they come from, they can do any job they set their minds to as long as they have the proper skills. Alexander Hamilton shows Leo and Layla how his life proves that qualification is more important than age, even for a Founding Father.

Leo & Layla Meet Gideon
July 22, 2022

Sometimes we're chosen for a job so big that we begin to doubt ourselves, and it takes a lot of faith to believe that we were chosen for a reason. Leo and Layla travel back to ancient Midian to meet Gideon from the Bible and learn about faith and trust.

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