The Amulet's Secret
September 28, 2015 • 31m

"The war is over. The lords of Phoenix Drop and Scaleswind begin to work together to restore everything back to normal, or as normal as it can get. However, Zane still lurks in the shadows, waiting to strike."

Attack on Phoenix Drop
September 25, 2015 • 20m

"The night before the Lord of Scaleswind comes to our doors, we patiently wait to see what he has in store."

Be Prepared
September 23, 2015 • 19m

"Hayden and Aphmau hold a meeting between their guards to decide what the next course of action is."

They're Coming...
September 21, 2015 • 17m

"Aphmau and Laurance return back to town after visiting The Stranger. Laurance pauses to take a moment to reflect on their relationship with him and if it's something they should really value... but their quiet conversation doesn't last long..."

The Divine
September 19, 2015 • 17m

"Everyone is on edge in the village. Aphmau especially due to her act of breach."

Call to Arms
September 17, 2015 • 22m

"Malachi isn't looking too well, but what could this mean? Then Aphmau must face the blunt truth... war might be on the horizon."

The Stranger
September 15, 2015 • 18m

"Laurance and Aphmau are in a panic. With Garroth sick Laurance is temporarily in charge of the village leaving Aphmau to fill Garroth's role as Guard overseer. What is going to happen to Phoenix Drop?"

At Our Doors
September 13, 2015 • 23m

"Garroth remains behind closed doors, but at some point he has to come out. A concerned Aphmau watches over Malachi before she attends to her daily duties as Lord... but today is much different."

Gate of Phoenix Drop
September 11, 2015 • 27m

"Aphmau is at the mercy of this hot mysterious stranger, is this the end for her and Phoenix Drop?"

Respect for Irene
September 9, 2015 • 23m

"Garroth is missing and some of the people in the village are going through some turmoil over the Statue of Lady Irene."

Mask in the Trees
September 7, 2015 • 15m

"After the pendants merged together the village comes to a meeting to discuss what the newly formed amulet could be..."

Baby from the Pendant
September 5, 2015 • 18m

"Aphmau wakes up to find that things in Phoenix Drop are turning."

The Tossed Cats
September 3, 2015 • 24m

"Back in Phoenix Drop things have settled but are still developing! Then there are things we need to get rid of... *whispers* like Donna's mother. Oops..."

The Smile of Alexis
September 1, 2015 • 13m

"With things settled in Meteli we head back home to Phoenix Drop to see how things are doing."

Cadenza's Power
August 30, 2015 • 15m

"Laurance and Aphmau are running low on time. We need to prove if the Chicken Shaman did it or not, NOW!"

The Shaman of Chickens
August 28, 2015 • 23m

"Laurance and Aphmau are on the case to find out who killed Cadenza's father. In order to do this they need solid evidence, hopefully they find it."

Return To Meteli
August 26, 2015 • 24m

"Things have been quiet as of late. With Lucinda working on things and Katelyn sitting at our shores all we can do right now is wait."

Guard Upgrades
August 24, 2015 • 21m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

A Boat On Water
August 22, 2015 • 22m

"After taking a day to be with her boys Aphmau has to get back to making sure her people are safe."

Fallen Angel
August 20, 2015 • 23m

"Aphmau has been working so hard to make sure the people of Phoenix Drop are doing well since her return, so it's time she took a break for herself, don't you think?"

A Magical Showdown
August 18, 2015 • 20m

"What has changed in the village of Phoenix Drop while we've been away? How are the people doing?"

Little Maids in Town
August 16, 2015 • 27m

"What has changed in the village of Phoenix Drop while we've been away? How are the people doing?"

Phoenix Rising
August 14, 2015 • 26m

"What has changed in the village of Phoenix Drop while we've been away? How are the people doing?"

Coming Home
August 12, 2015 • 21m

"After a long adventure, our heroes finally make their way back home... or is there one last thing they forgot to address?"

The Price of War
August 10, 2015 • 22m

"The journey home to Phoenix Drop is a long one with mysteries on the way."

Shadow of Pikoro
August 8, 2015 • 20m

"What will happen if we can't wake the Lords from their slumber...?"

Beneath the Well
August 6, 2015 • 19m

"Nightfall has come and still no word from Garroth, Laurance, or Dante... should we be concerned?"

The Missing Lord
August 4, 2015 • 20m

"In the village of Pikoro, Aphmau waits in the Inn for the curfew to lift... once that has happened... we can start the search..."

Pikoro Village
August 2, 2015 • 19m

"Aphmau has some concerns about the state of the world and how the villages are affected by O'khasis's movements..."

A Friend In Need
July 31, 2015 • 23m

"After the escape our heroes find a place to settle down, however this place is one Lucinda lead us to..."

Lucinda's Plan
July 29, 2015 • 16m

"Lucinda is brewing up a plan witch might prove quite brilliant."

Eastern Wolf Tribe
July 27, 2015 • 17m

"Tensions are high as it appears Dante might not have recollected everything properly..."

Garroth's Past
July 25, 2015 • 20m

"It's snowing outside and Aphmau decides to take a look. But looking at the snow has her thinking about a lot of questions unanswered."

Cry of the Wolf
July 23, 2015 • 17m

"Out in the cold, wolves wait to attack, but that's not the only thing out in these cold winters."

Malachi's Moving Castle
July 21, 2015 • 16m

"We depart the castle of our fears, but little do we know what awaits us..."

Our Fears...
July 19, 2015 • 20m

"Dante and Aphmau continue their journey to the Eastern Wolf Tribe. But they discover something more than that deep inside their hearts."

Journey to Wolves
July 17, 2015 • 23m

"After Dante tells Aphmau of his rescue intentions Aphmau decides to travel by his side. What will await them in their travels?"

The Pendant
July 15, 2015 • 22m

"The werewolves are working to help Kiki recover, but upon inspecting her belongings they make a chilling discovery..."

Princess Aphmau?
July 13, 2015 • 18m

"We need to escape the tunnel, but there are too many guards outside... what should we do Nicole... Nicole!? What are you doing!?"

July 11, 2015 • 22m

"The guards of O'khasis are everywhere... literally... everywhere. This isn't looking good at all, especially when one of them has news that is incredibly disturbing..."

Another Statue?
July 9, 2015 • 29m

"It's time to take Kiki to the Wolf Tribe, but on our way there things... aren't as like they seemed."

Wolves Plight
July 7, 2015 • 22m

"Everyone in the village is exhausted from the most recent events, but where there are smiles there is hope."

July 5, 2015 • 25m

"Everyone in the village is exhausted from the most recent events, but where there are smiles there is hope."

The Baby Showers PT. 3
July 3, 2015 • 22m

"The village of Phoenix Drop is in turmoil. Lady Aphmau, Garroth, and Brian are out to find Zane, but will they be able to locate him in time?"

The Baby Showers PT. 2
July 1, 2015 • 14m

"Zane finds a way around things and when things don't go his way... people might get hurt."

The Baby Showers PT. 1
June 29, 2015 • 25m

"Aphmau finishes Kiki's barn and Kawaii~Chan finishes Aphmau's house? That can only mean one thing... it's time to have that celebration we've been talking about for Baby Alexis and Baby Kyle!"

Cadenza's Worry
June 27, 2015 • 20m

"Kawaii~Chan begins her work as well does Aphmau! Building becomes a big chore in the village, but that's not the only chore we have to keep up with."

Laurence Undone
June 25, 2015 • 22m

"Ungrth made the ultimate sacrifice for Laurence, but at what cost? Meanwhile Zane still roams in the village... will Phoenix Drop ever be the same?"

Sacrifice Made
June 23, 2015 • 18m

"After the discovery of Garroth's brother more questions come into the scene as well as a sacrifice has been made."

Wedding on the Docks
June 21, 2015 • 19m

"The day of Donna and Logan's wedding has arrived! Aphmau has made all the preparations and is ready to commence the ceremony, but.... some people might not be so ready for this wedding."

Molly's Secret
June 19, 2015 • 22m

"So many people are living in the village and things are starting to get busy. What does Garroth think about this? Molly has also been hiding something from us..."

In the Shadows
June 17, 2015 • 16m

"Cadenza wants to go back to Meteli and her asked Aphmau to escort her there how will Cadenza's father react to her finally home?"

June 15, 2015 • 17m

"A lot of things are going on in the village of Phoenix Drop, but of all the things to happen... one stands out the most."

To Love or Leave?
June 13, 2015 • 20m

"Aphmau has to bring Donna to Logan... what will happen?"

Kawaii~Chan Moves In
June 11, 2015 • 19m

"After responding to Kiki's letter, it's not long before she arrives, but will Aphmau's village be okay to handle more people...?"

Logan's Curse
June 9, 2015 • 18m

"Aphmau is left with a very tough decision to make about one of the villagers who has been sick, meanwhile Garroth introduces Aphmau to Raven... kind of."

Zoey's Story
June 7, 2015 • 20m

"Things get a bit serious and Aphmau is shaken up about things, she's even seeing ghosts...."

Shadow In The Dark
June 5, 2015 • 13m

"Garroth suggests Aphmau spends some quality time with Levin, but there are more things lurking in the world than we realize..."

Levin Grows!
June 3, 2015 • 26m

"Levin begins to get bigger! Meanwhile the guards have to make a difficult choice."

Memoirs Of Sasha
June 1, 2015 • 19m

"The Chicken Shaman agrees to help us with Sasha's book. But what's inside is just..."

Grim Decision
May 30, 2015 • 16m

"Aphmau has to get to the Nether to save an old friend, but will she make it there in enough time?"

Made Of Honor
May 28, 2015 • 19m

"Laurence has requested our presence in the village of Meteli to deal with the issue of the missing Cadenza, but we find out there's more going on than originally thought..."

Laurence "The Hunk"
May 26, 2015 • 19m

"We stay in town to fix it up after the destruction, we also spend some time with Levin and find out a few things about Meteli and the events going on there!"

Garroth's Face
May 24, 2015 • 20m

"We head back home to Phoenix Drop and things have changed."

Levin's Mom
May 22, 2015 • 18m

"A new town?..."

Mask Revealed
May 20, 2015 • 15m

"We were tricked..."

The Wyvern Elder
May 19, 2015 • 16m

"In the realm of Wyverns we discover more about the history of the world that was unknown to us."

Sugar and Dragons
May 17, 2015 • 20m

"The maid is super helpful, but how does she far against dragons?"

Maid In Heaven
May 15, 2015 • 19m

"We stumble across a very interesting house and make a very unique friend!"

Criminal Brains
May 13, 2015 • 16m

Under the enlistment of Barrett, Aphmau sets out to find who done it in the murder! Will she find the suspect?"

Suspect #1
May 11, 2015 • 17m

"Aphmau is suspected and is sent where? Who will save her now?"

Sasha Of Meteli
May 9, 2015 • 18m

"We head back to the village but we are left with two choices. One we can tell Hayden and Kenmur of Codenza's whereabouts... or we can spare the chicken people."

The Chicken Shaman
May 7, 2015 • 22m

"After being knocked out Aphmau wakes up, but at this rate she prefers to stay knocked out."

Roses Are Red
May 6, 2015 • 12m

"Time to look for the Shaman! But wait... something in the town of Meteli isn't right."

The Admirer
May 4, 2015 • 13m

"Things on cat-island aren't going so well since... well I arrived. This leads into another village that has some interesting characters."

Water Cats
May 3, 2015 • 15m

"Everyone in town seems different... but not as different as the news we receive..."

Crazy Day
May 1, 2015 • 17m

"Everyone in town seems different... but not as different as the news we receive."

The Shower
April 29, 2015 • 16m

"A lot of familiar faces make their way to town! But there's also a new one."

The Baby
April 26, 2015 • 20m

"Something is left behind, but that which is left makes way for a brighter future."

A Peaceful Day
April 24, 2015 • 17m

"Now that everything has settled it looks like things can finally get back to normal... but for how long?"

Return Home
April 22, 2015 • 15m

"Zenix ran off but he had something I don't even want to think about in his hands..."

Lord of Bright Port
April 20, 2015 • 16m

"Zenix ran off but he had something I don't even want to think about in his hands..."

Into The Dark
April 18, 2015 • 13m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Home of the Tribe
April 15, 2015 • 21m

"The werewolves take Aphmau to their home, but will she be welcomed and what will she find?"

Alpha Wolf
April 12, 2015 • 18m

"With the wolf pup in hand we have to wait for it's parents to arrive, but... what if they don't?"

To Bright Port!
April 9, 2015 • 20m

"Garroth is in trouble and the only way we can save him is by doing what Dr. Doctor suggests..."

Village BOOM!
April 7, 2015 • 18m

"There might be more people in the village thanks to my AMAZING leadership skills! Yup. That's totally what it is. Also, where are Garroth and Zenix...?"

Skeletons Are Jerks
April 5, 2015 • 16m

"I will take my revenge on every skeleton... FOREVER."

Exploding Litterbox
April 4, 2015 • 24m

"Will Brendan be okay? How will the towns people react? Let's find out."

The Cellar
April 2, 2015 • 16m

"Someone is in dire need of aid, and it might not be a Devil Cat stuck in a tree."

Devil Cat
March 31, 2015 • 22m

"How does this even happen? There's some interesting new developments that occur at the old Lord's home."

Disturbing News
March 27, 2015 • 16m

"Garroth has something he is worried about. Also KITTY!"

All Aboard!
March 26, 2015 • 16m

"You know that boat Garroth was talking about? We get to pilot it today!"

Hamster Boat Party
March 23, 2015 • 15m

"Someone comes town to try to help people cheer up, then we get to building that boat!"

Docks in Danger
March 21, 2015 • 17m

"A small house I have! Now it's time to move out, but that's not the only thing. The world continues to change."

The Docks & Dolphin
March 19, 2015 • 17m

"We set out to find a house! Thorgi becomes hungry and a few events around the town have occurred..."

The Lord's Journal
March 17, 2015 • 17m

"We go to explore the North East clearing in the forest Garroth told us about... what will we find there?"

Zenix and Garroth's "Thank You"
March 15, 2015 • 17m

"Zenix and Garroth seem to know more than they lead on. However my concern is with the village and seeing it grow! Let's get a good source of food going!"

Don't Drown
March 13, 2015 • 17m

"Day 2: I've been trying to unite the people of this village but they seem very indifferent toward me. I don't think they like me that much... especially the guards."

New World
March 11, 2015 • 19m

"It's been a while since we've written an entry but the time for a new adventure has come! Ladies and gentlemen: Minecraft Diaries!"

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