Makino asks Iwami to continue looking after Mai and Naoaki. Later, he visits the hospital to find out how his former patient Makoto is doing.
As Naoaki prepares to undergo heart surgery, a worried Kei asks Makino for reassurance. Naoaki befriends a girl who is also awaiting an operation
When Makino encounters a first-grade girl who refuses to speak at school but is chatty at home, he suspects she may have selective mutism.
Reika refuses to leave the nurse's office after her classmates point out her lack of tact. Makino accompanies a teacher to a truant student's home.
Constantly busy with her duties, Shinoya shows signs of exhaustion. Later, she receives a surprising phone call about a shy girl in her class.
Makino reflects on an incident from his time working at a university hospital when a single father brought his feverish son in for treatment.
During a three-day field trip, one of the sixth-grade girls worries that a boy will reveal that she destroyed their class's holiday display.
Makino learns that Kei spread the rumor about him, and why. Later, when Kei's brother Naoaki goes missing, she asks Makino to help her find him.
The sixth graders learn how to use defibrillators. Later, the unsettling rumor about Makino makes Riko hesitant to tell him about her stomach pain.
Dr. Makino gets off to a rocky start at his new job when he introduces himself by bluntly telling students not to visit him at the nurse's office.
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