Episode 20
February 2, 2020 • 30m

In the last episode of the series, rescued capuchin Chook goes outside for the first time with her new group. While hand reared baby loris Bobbi gets ready to graduate into the loris complex. The Malagasy lemur enclosure has had a revamp to keep the troop interested and Hananya’s chimps have a massive lucky dip for their breakfast.

Episode 19
February 2, 2020 • 30m

Newly rescued capuchin Chook gets a medical and her past life as a pet may have taken its toll. But there’s better news for lar gibbon Kitty who’s recovering from a mystery illness which is a massive relief for the primate care staff. While the stumpies are kept busy with logs coated in a flour and water paste, with lots of sunflower seeds attached and Bart’s chimp group think extra-large ice lollies are pretty cool.

Episode 18
January 26, 2020 • 30m

Alison’s in Yorkshire with the RSPCA and police, to rescue a capuchin living in an outdoor cage, but will she be able to bring the primate back to Monkey World. While back at the park orphan orang-utan Hujan tells foster mum Ro-Ro it’s time for his milk feed and marmoset Ruby’s babies brave the outdoor enclosure. And primate care keeper Wendy doles out the vitamins to Hananya’s troop to help keep dreaded colds away.

Episode 17
January 26, 2020 • 30m

Brass and Evi, two of the park’s more unusual residents get a health check from wildlife vet John Lewis. Red bellied guenon baby Biff goes all out, to dine out with back up from mum Nia. While marmosets Frank and Douglas don’t seem to fancy the seasonal treat of corn on the cob, the orang-utan nursery love it with little Mimi experimenting with nest building. And golden-cheeked gibbons Kim and Tien get fresh cut cherry browse, full of ripe fruit.

Episode 16
January 19, 2020 • 30m

A trip to the hospital for lemurs Houdini and Whitespot, vet Dave has to x-ray Houdini’s injured arm and then remove one of Whitespot’s canine teeth. Alison’s been busy hand rearing Bobbie and is trying to persuade the baby loris to try solids but it’s not her favourite job. While chimp Naree has settled in great into life at the park Bryan is causing Jeremy and the team real concern. And chimp Kuki cottons on quick when breakfast arrives all tied up.

Episode 15
January 19, 2020 • 30m

Wildlife vet John Lewis is called in to take another look at Bruce, one of the park’s two male Bengal slow loris, can he find the cause of Bruce’s lump this time? Time apart for adolescent orang-utans Silvestre and Jin, after too much rough and tumble shows they have become too mature to live together. Plus the team’s attempt to get the woollies to work for their breakfast bears fruit.

Episode 14
January 12, 2020 • 30m

In the second Vietnam special John Lewis and Marina head out from Dao Tien to take injured baby douc langur Anthony for X-rays on the mainland. Then the team head deep into the jungle for the first gibbon release in three years. But will the long awaited return to the forest for golden-cheeked Bien prove a success.

Episode 13
January 12, 2020 • 30m

In our first Vietnam special, Alison and wildlife vet John Lewis visit the park’s sister sanctuary Dao Tien to examine two baby douc langurs, both victims of hunters. Plus the team are preparing for a gibbon release that has been three years in the making but plans change at the last minute.

Episode 12
January 5, 2020 • 30m

Marmoset Ruby gives birth and it’s a bit of a shock for the care team as it’s quads! The park doesn’t allow the marmosets to breed normally so Ruby giving birth to four babies is a real surprise. Young orang-utan Hujan braves the big enclosure in the presence of adult male, Tuan but with a little help from RoRo soon gets over his nerves. While it’s all change for the residents of the squirrel monkey house and chimp Toprish finally meets alpha male Bart face to face.

Episode 11
January 5, 2020 • 30m

Vet Caesar is called in to examine squirrel monkeys Azzi and Charlie and there’s devastating news for their carers. A hard decision has to be made for Charlie’s welfare and the team hope they can make Azzi comfortable. A spoonful of peanut butter helps the medicine go down for stumpie Sam who is recovering from his tooth operation. While it’s puzzle feeders for the chimp bachelor boys and ice lollies in the orang-utan nursery.

Episode 10
December 29, 2019 • 30m

Hujan, the smallest orang-utan at the park gets to meet Tuan, one of the largest. However Tuan is more interested in RoRo than checking out the little orang. Stumpie Sam has a dental check-up and his decay causes dismay, vet Holly has her work cut out with this patient. The chimp team hope Toprish will fare better on the second attempt going into the outside enclosure and the spider monkeys high tail it when they discover challenging treats in their enclosure.

Episode 9
December 29, 2019 • 30m

It’s time for new chimp Toprish to brave the outside enclosure but she finds the great outdoors a bit of a shock, however she has her new family with her offering their support. Guenon mum Nia needs reminding she has responsibilities now that she has daughter Biff to look after and she is certainly keeping her mum busy. While the boys from Levar’s woolly group have fun with locust and the capuchins take on a snake in the grass.

Episode 8
December 22, 2019 • 30m

Chimp Naree sees the big outdoors for the first time, joining her new friends Bryan and Lulu in the large enclosure. Baby orang-utan Hujan also goes outside for the first time with the help and support of RoRo. It’s been less than 24 hours since female loris Nicky gave birth to twins and Alison’s been busy playing mum to one of the baby loris but its sibling also needs help. While woolly monkey Pacaja takes motherhood in her stride and Erico’s capuchin group get an autumn treat in the playroom.

Episode 7
December 22, 2019 • 30m

Chimpanzee Naree arrives safely from Thailand but it’s an emotional time for Alison after 15 years of waiting. First introductions with Bryan’s group don’t go to plan when chimp Rodders has a strop but Naree only wants to make friends. Vet Dave examines saki monkey Tutu and it’s not good news for the primate care staff while Alison has to step in and play mum for a new-born baby loris. And it’s a fur rubbing frenzy at the capuchin enclosure.

Episode 6
December 15, 2019 • 30m

Alison and Jeremy travel to Thailand to rescue female chimp Naree, who Jim and Alison first found 15 years ago. It’s an exciting and nervous time for Alison who can’t wait to get Naree back to the park to start her new life, but first she needs to be sedated for the long journey back to Monkey World. While back at the park the saki monkeys get a tasty treat and with new climbing equipment in the enclosure baby woolly monkey Cosmo makes a leap of faith.

Episode 5
December 15, 2019 • 30m

Baby orang-utan Hujan spends his first night at the park with primate care staff member James keeping him company before meeting potential new foster mum, Lucky. Wildlife vet John Lewis touches a nerve carrying out a dental operation on chimp Busta. While red-bellied guenons, Benny and Nia head outside with their new baby for the first time and hidden treats prompt an excited response from the stumpies.

Episode 4
December 8, 2019 • 30m

Baby orang-utan Hujan arrives from Germany to start a new life at the park and an excited team are waiting to greet him. Alison rediscovers a chimp she and Jim first tried to rescue from a circus in Thailand fifteen years ago, and makes a vow to do everything she can to rescue Naree. While Lar gibbon, Kitty is still causing the gibbon team concern so vet Dave is called in to examine her again. And Hananya’s chimp group try camellia flowers for the first time.

Episode 3
December 8, 2019 • 30m

Primate Care staff member, James travels to Germany to meet a baby orang-utan in need of a new home, Hujan was rejected by his mum and has had to be hand reared. He is coming to live at Monkey World as it’s the European crèche for orphan orangs. While back at the park new chimpanzee Toprish shows she’s learning how to interact with her own kind and newly rescued marmosets, Caesar and Bud are enjoying their outside space. And the spider monkeys have a wheelie good time searching for breakfast.

Episode 2
December 1, 2019 • 30m

It’s a first for the park with the birth of a baby for red bellied guenons, Nia and Benny. They are believed to be the only ones of their species in captivity anywhere in the world and were rescued from the Lebanon last year. A world of adventure awaits woolly monkey Cosmo in the outside enclosure, if he can just muster up enough courage to venture out. While at the loris complex its weigh-in day for Nora and a puzzling breakfast for Tuan’s group of orang-utans.

Episode 1
December 1, 2019 • 30m

In the first episode of the new series, Alison’s called in to rescue two abandoned marmosets and she’s shocked at their living conditions. It’s not an easy job catching them as they have free run of a bedroom but Alison perseveres so that Caesar and Bud can receive proper care. While back at the park newly arrived chimp Toprish is introduced to potential new pals, but things don’t go to plan. And they heard it on the grape vine, a fruity feast goes down a treat with the Barn woolly monkeys.

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