While the Titans are enjoying a 3D movie in a theater, Control Freak attempts to exploit their distraction to rid of the Titans once and for all.
New Teen Titans Halloween Special
Mumbo and Mother Mae-Eye fall in love with each other while in battle with the Titans.
Beast Boy ends up in a quiz show.
Trigon tries to visit his daughter.
Larry role-plays the Titans and tries to save "Silkie" from the hands of "Slade".
Warp turns into a baby in defeat but still has possession of his time-travelling device.
The Titans act in a children's television show
Mumbo presents a short documentary on Titanimals.
Raven goes for a night out with Goth Boy. Meanwhile, Robin tries to flirt with Starfire with his new language skills.
The Titans have a hard time shooting a short video on gamma rays.
The Titans try to find out the true identity of Red X.
Cyborg and Robin gets into an argument over ownership and start to draw their lines with tape.
Cyborg tries to save a girl from drowning in the indoor pool.
Starfire visits her sister and agrees to babysit her children.
The Teen Titans must stop Mad Mod before he regains his youth with his new machine.
With the help of shoulder angels and devils, Beast Boy decides if he should eat a plate of cookies laid out in the Ops room.
Beast Boy accidentally washes Robin's utility belt and covers it up with his own belt.
The Teen Titans start a burping competition at their local pizza place.
TV Shows