The Norths' adversary is a crazed killer who murders only sailors. Richard Denning, Barbara Britton. Weigand: Francis De Sales.
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A potential suicide victim leaps in front of the Norths' car. Richard Denning, Barbara Britton. Weigand: Francis De Sales.
Posing as Pam's cousin, a murderess lures her to the top of a skyscraper. Barbara Britton, Richard Denning. Weigand: Francis De Sales.
The Norths are driving to a party when they're stopped on the street by an injured man. He turns out to be a wounded criminal, and he gets in their car and tells them to drive him to Canada.
The Norths find as many suspects in a model's murder as there were men in her life. Richard Denning, Barbara Britton.
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