Lola is sure that she is a good dancer. But some dancing is a bit too swirly, ballet is too floaty, while tap dancing is too shuffly and not tappy enough. Just when she thinks she will never ever be any good, Lola finds a way of combining all the different dances and coming up with one big special dance all of her own - Lola dancing.
Charlie and Marv have to come up with an invention for a school project by tomorrow. Lola reckons that she's an extremely good inventor too, and keeps interrupting their efforts with ideas of her own. The boys have got to invent something really fantastic and time is running out. Just as they are beginning to panic, Lola the Inventor stumbles on a brilliant idea!
Lola and Lotta both love their tricycles but when Lotta is given her big cousin's bike. Now, Lola wants a big bike too! She gets Charlie's old one and is delighted. But when Lola gets to the park, she discovers that Lotta has taken her stabilisers off. Lola has to learn to ride without stabilisers too, and it's not as easy as it looks!
Lola is going to Lotta's house for her first ever sleepover, and it couldn't be more exciting. But, little by little, Lola realises everything is a bit different from her normal bedtime. Lotta brushes her teeth after bath time, not before! Even a midnight feast can't cheer her up. When it's finally time to put the light out, Lola admits that she wants to go home.
Lola refuses to have her eyes tested at the optician's. She has tested them herself, 'and they are really very clever'. Until, that is, Mini Reader appears at school with the most beautiful pair of glasses Lola has ever seen. Now, Lola can't wait to have her eyes tested because she 'absolutely does need glasses'.