Appraisals from Nashville include letters written by Andrew Jackson; a rare Native American composition book from the 1880s filled with 31 drawings; a Scottish tea urn. Included: a visit to Andrew Jackson's boyhood home. Host: Chris Jussel.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from Phoenix include the original "Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus" letter written in 1897; a wooden spice cabinet made in 1780; a table clock dating from the Industrial Revolution. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Dallas include a piece of 19th-century folk art designed to scare away crows; a tricorn hat unearthed in a landfill that is now part of lower Manhattan; a Tiffany vase made around the turn of the century. Host: Chris Jussel.
Conclusion. Appraisals from Pittsburgh include a Gibson guitar; a tenor saxhorn circa 1860; and a document box that illustrates Pennsylvania German artwork. Host: Chris Jussel.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from Pittsburgh include a parasol that had been used in Queen Victoria's coronation ceremonies in 1837; a silver libation set given to the governor of Maryland during the Civil War; and two silver meat-carving sets. Host: Chris Jussel.
Conclusion. Appraisals from San Francisco include a collection of movie memorabilia, along with a wig worn by silent actor Hank Mann in his role as a Keystone Cop. Also: a German Oriental doll made in the 1920s; a set of 18th-century Nativity figures. Host: Chris Jussel.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from San Francisco include a sculpture of a ram; an Eskimo hunting helmet decorated with ivory; a collection of more than 40 souvenir spoons. Also: a segment on collecting concert posters. Host: Chris Jussel.
Conclusion. Appraisals in Atlanta include an original Confederate flag; a 1959 Congressional yearbook containing the signatures of several Presidents, including John F. Kennedy; a desk made in China in the early 1800s. Host: Chris Jussel.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from Atlanta include a letter written by Abraham Lincoln in 1841; a complete set of dental instruments made in 1849; three painted tiles bought at a yard sale for $1 each. Host: Chris Jussel.
Appraisals from Cincinnati include a set of original illustrations for the Dick and Jane reading primers dating from 1965. Also: a hall stand made in Switzerland; a vase.
Conclusion. Appraisals from Secaucus, N.J., include five Tiffany vases; several books signed by Benjamin Franklin; and a hand-carved, wooden cake board dating to the early 19th century. Chris Jussel hosts.
Part 1 of two. Appraisals from Secaucus, N.J., include a card table from the late 1700s; a Thomas Edison electric pen; two framed documents written by Ernest Hemingway. Host: Chris Jussel.