Nature or Nurture
April 19, 2010 • 40m

I kveld spør Harald Eia hva det er som gjør at vi føler oss som gutter eller jenter? Er det noe vi er født med eller noe vi har lært fra våre omgivelser? Tilfellet Victor Mange norske samfunnsforskere mener det er noe lært, men hva da med Victor? Han ble født i 1986 med en underutviklet penis, operert til jente, gitt navnet Victoria og oppdratt som jente. Likevel følte Victoria at noe var veldig galt, og da hun i 1997 fikk vite sannheten, ble Victoria til Victor og lever i dag som mann. Kan Victors historie kaste nytt lys over spørsmålet om vi er født sånn eller blitt sånn?

April 12, 2010 • 40m

Alle mennesker er i slekt, og selv om vi varierer i hud- og hårfarge, mener forskere i dag at mennesker er 99,5 % genetisk like. Samtidig er forskjellen mellom mennesker og sjimpanser heller ikke så stor – vi er 98,5 % like. Kan den halve prosentforskjellen mellom menneskene stå for større forskjeller enn vi tror? Er det gjennomsnittsforskjeller i intelligens mellom folkegrupper? Hvem er i så fall de smarteste? Og er dette egentlig ønskelig komme til bunns i?

April 5, 2010 • 40m

Women have sex for the first time earlier now than before and they have more sexual partners than ever. Despite that, studies show that women still are less interested in one-night stands than men. The men in a new Norwegian study, said that they wanted 25 sexual partners in their whole life, while the women on the other hand, wanted only 7. Are these differences in sex still hanging around after the good old victorian era, or do the studies tell us something about born differences developed through evolution?

March 22, 2010 • 40m

Studies show that Norwegian men too are violent - over 90 Norwegian women have in fact been killed by they husbands. But why are men more violent than women? Is it nature or nurture?

March 15, 2010 • 40m

Many people say that they have a good gaydar, that they can see on people's body language and being if they are gay or straight. This is also something many homosexuals say. Maybe there's something in the whole "gaydar-thing" that can give us the answer to the good old nurture vs. nature?

The Parental Effect
March 8, 2010 • 40m

Smoking habits, how we drink, our personality and our level of education are all things we adopt from the parents, the role models for their children. Scientists and politicians have suggested that the similarity between parents and their children is there because of the environment, but have we truly checked if it comes from our genes and not the environment? Are parts of our politics of alcohol and education based on a theory that doesn't take genetics into consideration? Harald Eia asks.

The Gender Equality Paradox
March 1, 2010 • 40m

Norway is the world's most equal country according to the UN. Norwegian women become doctors, lawyers and politicians, but 90% of Norway's engineers are still men, like it's been since the 80s. Are these differences there because we unconsciously treat boys and girls differently, or is it something biological?

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