Now that the battle has ended, the outcome is tallied. Igaram appears with proof of Cobra's innocence, as well as Koza telling everything. Tashigi and Smoker both are rewarded for taking on Crocodile, but neither one of them believes that is right, considering the Straw Hat pirates did all the work.
Vivi finds the bomb inside of the clock tower, but the Mr. 7 pair of Baroque Works are there to protect it. Vivi defeats them, but she realizes the bomb cannot be stopped so easily. It has a timer, and right before it blows up, Pell shows up and takes it into the atmosphere, where he sacrifices himself to save Alabasta.
Crocodile joins Robin in the tomb, and orders her to translate the Poneglyph. Robin tells him that Pluton was not mentioned and that it was only about history, but Crocodile figures out that she was lying and stabs her in response. When Luffy recovers from the last round of fighting, he chases after Crocodile into the tomb.