Lawn Mowers
• 30m

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• 30m

Clothes dryers are not fast enough for the busy man, so Greg comes up with a dodgy freeze-drying solution, while James harnesses the power of a lawn-mower engine to create a highly dangerous centrifuge.

• 30m

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• 30m

Who says men can't multi-task? In this episode, James Coleman and Greg Page are challenged to create a machine that will do a household chore and also make a cup of tea. Greg creates a wallpaper remover/tea maker, while James comes up with a hybrid chainsaw that also makes a delicious cup of tea.

• 30m

The only acceptable place for a man to cook is outdoors, so the boys do the unthinkable and redesign the BBQ. Greg unleashes the power of microwaves on his sausages, while James creates a pressure cooker/bomb.

• 30m

Taking out the rubbish can be tedious, so James and Greg compete to come up with the most efficient waste disposal method. Greg takes an eco approach with hydraulics, while James thumbs his nose at the environment and goes for an out of sight, out of mind approach.

February 28, 2011 • 30m

The boys attempt to come up with a power-shower that uses the least amount of water.

February 21, 2011 • 30m

James and Greg come up with solutions for a turbo toaster. Greg utilises the power of halogen and James's creation draws inspiration from the world of firearms.

February 14, 2010 • 30m

Walking to the mailbox is a real chore, isn't it? In this episode James and Greg are challenged to come up with a better solution for receiving the mail.

Vacuum Cleaner
February 7, 2010 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

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