A 79-year-old woman is brought in with signs of a stroke, and neurologist Dr Mahinda opts for a treatment that only has a slim chance of success. David, who is 77 and has type 1 diabetes, has an infection in his toes, and doctors consider amputating his foot to stop it spreading. Yvette's false eyelashes leave her with abrasions to her eyes.
3-year-old Louie is airlifted to St George's after being run over by a car while playing outside. Josh, 14, has broken his ankle falling off the handlebars of the BMX his dad was riding. Sam, who is 41, arrives in resus with multiple injuries after losing control of her car and crashing into a tree.
22-year-old motorcyclist Adam is brought into A&E after crashing into a car and being thrown 30 metres. A 78-year-old former nurse arrives in St George's after becoming dizzy at her sewing class, and doctors worry she has had a stroke. 18-year-old Rosa is treated after falling off her bike on the way home from a night out with friends.
Daisy, who is 22 months old, arrives at St George's Hospital by air ambulance after being kicked in the head by a horse. Mike, who is 54 and has epilepsy, arrives in minors with a bandage around his jaw after falling face-first onto the pavement. Florence, 100, arrives at the hospital suffering from what appears to be a stroke.