Blue for Danger
June 28, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

June 21, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Love Byte
June 14, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

My Father Knew Lloyd Mbotu
June 7, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

The Double Dutch Deal
May 31, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

May 24, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Cross My Palm with Silver
May 17, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Something Nasty Down Below
May 10, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Under Plain Cover
May 3, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

With Vinegar and Brown Paper
April 26, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

The Black Magic Man
April 19, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Goodbye Jenny Wren
April 12, 1985

We don't have an overview translated in English.

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