The Artist Is Taking You With Him
February 26, 2012 • 5m

Whole Day Down ends season 1 with a bang.

The Jeremy Flegg Show
February 26, 2012 • 8m

Jon Tenney guest stars as vodcaster, Jeremy Flegg in this metaverse behind the scenes episode of Whole Day Down.

Last Impressionists
January 10, 2012 • 7m

Willie and Patrick get into serious trouble when their artist's piece gets held up at Customs.

China Syndrome
November 19, 2011 • 7m

A love pentagram between Willie, Nadine, Patrick, Hunter and Franny may have nuclear fallout.

What Wood Raven Do?
November 15, 2011 • 7m

Willie Patrick try to keep it together when one of their Performance Artists goes missing.

November 12, 2011 • 8m

Whole Day Down documents the reinvention of Willie Garson and Patrick Breen (two middle-aged actors) as they pursue their mutual passion for art and money by opening a gallery. They must weather the typical challenges of any new business: a demonic receptionist, a fetishistic landlord, an awkward love pentagon, a roster of nihilist artists, and the dawning realization that the entire venture may be the doggie door through which the hounds of hell are unleashed.

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