The Outcomes of Two Worlds
January 18, 2013 • 45m

Celebrity Zhiqing is unable to accept that she has lost the power to look into the inner world of others. She wants the original Zhiqing to be responsible for her loss. Zhiqing has no choice but to help the celebrity see through the intentions of her guests at an event. Unfortunately, they are exposed and the ‘new Zhiqing’ is branded a cheat.

When Silly Girl Met Beautiful Psychic
January 17, 2013 • 45m

Zhiqing meets another Zhiqing in this alternate dimension, and celebrity Zhiqing at first assumes the old Zhiqing is an imposter and knocks her out. Initially, the celebrity felt that Zhiqing’s presence was amusing. However, she gradually grew jealous of the Zhiqing and was afraid that the Zhiqing would replace her and take away the attention of all her loved ones.

So Close, Yet So Far Away
January 16, 2013 • 45m

In the midst of investigations, Jiang Wei and Zhiqing comes to an MRT station.[4] Much to their surprise, they lose each other and end up in a different world. In this alternate dimension, everything has changed.

A Punk Guitarist vs A Brokenhearted Vagrant
January 15, 2013 • 45m

Wenbin discovers that he possesses a supernatural power that allows him to use music to hypnotize the people around him. He uses this ability to control those around him. Zhiqing is hypnotized by him and blindly falls for him. However, Wenbin realizes that Zhiqing’s words are like a robot, and he cannot feel her love for him.

Be Yourself, Bro!
January 14, 2013 • 45m

Wenbin had been suppressing his feelings and unhappiness for years. He finally snaps and shows his true colours. Unfortunately, he is unable to accept the changes in himself and struggles to stop the devil in himself from taking over. He is unable to take the pressure and is sent into the mental hospital.

The Bed Should Never Face the Mirror
January 11, 2013 • 45m

Jiang Wei receives a phone call from a mysterious man that claims he knows of Meichen’s news. He demands twenty thousand dollars from Jiang Wei. Jiang Wei and Zhiqing sets off to the meeting point and sees a man, Liu Guowei, behaving suspiciously. Jiang Wei rushes up to him and pins him down, forcing him to spill the news about Meichen. Guowei is visibly shaken and denies knowing anything.

The Comatose Patient Who Travels Through Time
January 10, 2013 • 45m

Zhiqing returns to three years ago, to the eve of Jiang Wei’s wedding. In order to prevent Meichen from disappearing, Zhiqing attempts to find her, but Meichen does not understand Zhiqing’s gibberish, and chases her away. Zhiqing decides to go to the church to prevent Meichen from running away, will she succeed?

The Pain of Love is Like a Palpitation
January 9, 2013 • 45m

While Zhiqing was taking care of Lixuan, an uninvited guest, Luo Zhiliang, appeared. Love turned to hatred, and Zhiliang lost control of himself resulting in the accident. Zhiqing attempts to stop Zhiliang from taking Lixuan away, but is knocked unconscious by Zhiliang. In her unconscious state, Zhiqing is transported to three years back and even meets Meichen!

Where Goes the Soul of a Comatose Person
January 8, 2013 • 45m

Hanxiang’s little sister Lixuan is involved in an accident and goes into a coma for over a year. He suspects that the culprits responsible for the ‘accident’ are Mingyao and Zhigang, both of whom had just been released from prison. He starts to tail them. Jiang Wei gets Zhiqing’s help to look into Lixuan’s inner world. Zhiqing instantly recognizes Lixuan as the person who had saved her three times.

What Scary Devils from the Dream
January 7, 2013 • 45m

Zhiqing removes her glasses, and verifies that they were indeed in a dream. Nothing existed in that world. In order to save Wenbin and Cuiyan from capture, Zhiqing and Jiang Wei takes Ba-mei and Xiao Mei hostage. Guoli insists that he does not know them, until…

The Queer Smile of the Moon
January 4, 2013 • 45m

Jiang Wei and team decides to accompany Guoli back to his said "reality" of Kampong Minpi, but the team gets lost in the forest, and hence they spend the night there. The next morning, they awake to find Guoli missing.

Do Not Rouse a Sleepwalker
January 3, 2013 • 45m

Having gone missing for 5 years, Zhiqing’s father, Yang Guoli, suddenly reappears at home one night and gives Cuiyan a shock. Cuiyan and Zhiqing questions him about his whereabouts for the past 5 years. Unfortunately, Guoli denies having been away for 5 years. Instead, he claims to have just fallen asleep for one night and was awoken by Cuiyan.

What Beautiful Snow
January 2, 2013 • 45m

Jiang Wei and Zhiqing finds Dayu and pleads with him to save Zhiqing. Dayu feels bad when he sees that Zhiqing had aged so much, but he still refused to admit that he has the ability to steal youth and decides to ignore their plea. Jiang Wei does not give up pleading with Dayu, but is finally stopped by Wantai’s bodyguards.

A Wretched Stealer of Age
January 1, 2013 • 45m

Zhiqing comes to after passing out. She is worried that Dayu had stolen her age, but is relieved to know that she is still youthful. Unknown to her, she started aging over the next few days. It was obvious that her youth had been stolen. Jiang Wei desperately seeks Dayu out for him to return Zhiqing’s youth to her.

Your Age, My Vitamin
December 31, 2012 • 45m

Zhiqing officially joins Jiang Wei’s private investigator firm, and begins to investigate Ye Rongguang’s case. They receive news that yet another two patients had contracted Ye Rongguang’s aging disease. Upon investigation, they find out that both patients are Dayu’s superiors, and had aged drastically within a few days while Dayu had become much more youthful.

The Immortal Freak?
December 28, 2012 • 45m

Chen Dayu is a failure. From Ye Rongguang, he learns the special ability of stealing youth. Dayu is unhappy with his management and decides to steal their youth. Is it really possible to steal youth…?

The Weeping Clown
December 27, 2012 • 45m

Jiang Wei manages to escape the parallel universe and throws himself off the building onto the safety float erected on the ground level. He previously threw out a handphone that was fortunately picked up by Hanxiang and Wenbin, who guessed his predicament. They had the safety float erected in time to save Jiang Wei. But will Zhiqing be able to find a way out of the 13.5th floor…?

Welcome to 13-and-a-Half Floor
December 26, 2012 • 45m

In order to locate Zhiqing, Jiang Wei studies the CCTV footage of the day she went missing. He discovers that both Zhiqing and Weijian had gone missing at 13:13 (1.13pm) in the afternoon. Cuiyan often complains of noise coming from above her flat at 13:13 even though no one resides above her. Jiang Wei concludes that Zhiqing and Weijian's disappearance has something to do with the number 13.

A Pair of Strange Eyes
December 25, 2012 • 45m

Dong-shu and Dong-sao's son, Weijian, went missing after he entered the lift. Zhiqing takes the lift repeatedly in hopes of finding a clue regarding Weijian's disappearance. With a stroke of luck, she ends up at a space on the 13.5th level and finds Weijian there.

The Vagrant Who Talks Backwards
December 24, 2012 • 45m

A woman falls from the roof. Jiang Wei saves Zhiqing in the nick of time from being crushed by the impact of the fallen body. Zhiqing sees a vagrant when she looks at Jiang Wei. Zhiqing possesses a paranormal sight which allows her to see into the inner souls of others. Why does she see a vagrant in Jiang Wei?

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