Wind Whistle
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that everyone else can whistle but him. Inspired by the wind, he practises really hard and eventually learns to blow through a reed himself to make it whistle.

Four Seasons
• 11m

The cool Autumn breeze isn't enough to deter Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse from going out to find what special experiences the day might bring.

I Want to Fly
• 11m

Chilly autumn winds blow as Little Nutbrown Hare chases the beautiful fallen leaves. When one wafts so high that only a bird could catch it Little Nutbrown Hare wishes he could fly as well.

• 11m

Among the newly fallen autumn leaves Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very peculiar little, hairy, green... something. Intrigued by what it might be Little Nutbrown Hare asks all his friends, but they all have different answers!

The Big Apple
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare tries to jump high enough to reach a last autumn apple on a high branch. Unable to reach it, even with the help of Little Field Mouse, he gives up.

• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare falls into a muddy autumn puddle and is delighted when he startles Little Grey Squirrel, who doesn't recognise him at first. This starts a great new game of 'Surprise!'

Finders Keepers
• 11m

Little Grey Squirrel leaves his acorns unattended to go and play. Little Redwood Fox discovers the acorns and takes them. Once she finds out they belong to Little Grey Squirrel, she has to decide whether to give them back.

Shadow Play
• 11m

It's a fine autumn day and it seems that all of the meadow creatures are out enjoying the sun. Little Nutbrown Hare is surprised that Big Nutbrown Hare knows every single creature in the meadow.

Pumpkin Patch
• 11m

A fun, spooky tale from little White Owl leaves the friends a little on edge. So when they hear strange noises in the pumpkin patch, they wonder what kind of creepy creature might be lurking there with them.

I Promise
• 11m

Crisp autumn days are perfect for collecting golden leaves and playing hide and boo. Little Nutbrown Hare is so excited that he accidently promises to play two different games with two different friends on the same day!

All Fall Down
• 11m

The friends are all playing together in the autumn meadow. Little Redwood Fox inadvertently spoils all the games of the day, but the others put their heads together and come up with a game that suits her perfectly.

Plum Summer
• 11m

A lazy summer's day brings a wonderful discovery for Little Nutbrown Hare... a tree full of bright, beautiful, tasty plums!

Big Storm
• 11m

A summer storm sweeps across the valley and a nervous Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends scamper into a cave with Big Nutbrown Hare. They are all safe and dry in the cave, but the thunder outside is still scary.

You for a Day
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare has a new game. He will be Big Nutbrown Hare for a day, doing jobs like finding food, answering tricky questions and resting in the grass.

Taste of Sunset
• 11m

One gorgeous summer morning Big Nutbrown Hare wakes to find Little Nutbrown Hare enthralled by a story of Little White Owl's. Encouraged, Little Nutbrown Hare sets off to make up a story of his own.

Hare's Eye View
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare is impressed by Blue Bird's description of a flowery field that looks just like a sea of colour from her bird's eye view.

Bedtime Story
• 11m

On summer's hottest night Little Nutbrown Hare finds it hard to sleep. When a swim in the river isn't enough to cool him down, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends ask Little White Owl to tell them a cold and sleepy story.

Leaf Shade
• 11m

Summer is at its hottest and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse want to run and play but the sun is just too hot and strong.

Where Does the River Go?
• 11m

Trying to keep cool on a summer's day by the stream, Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare have lots of fun throwing sticks. When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that sticks float, they follow the sticks down the river.

A Hare's Tale
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare decides he wants a clever long tail like his friends, rather than a short fluffy one. They help out by making him a long tail but all the results are either too tickly, bendy or flappy.

Rainy Days
• 11m

It is a sunny spring day in the meadow and Little Nutbrown Hare is enjoying all it has to offer. As the day wears on a heavy grey cloud forces Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse to seek shelter from the rain.

Fly Away Home
• 11m

One spring morning a cute spotty ladybird lands on Little Nutbrown Hare and seems to want to stay with him. All his friends admire the interesting little creature and he feels very special indeed.

Feather Your Nest
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very special feather with bright colours, spots and soft tickly bits.

Hide and Seek
• 11m

Big Nutbrown Hare teaches Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends to play hide-and-seek, but the boisterous little hare finds it hard to stay still and quiet, especially when the meadow is full of birds and butterflies to chase!

The Nest
• 11m

When Little Nutbrown Hare sees Blue Bird building a nest, he thinks it looks like fun, so he and Little Field Mouse build one themselves.

Follow Me
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare befriends a little yellow fluffy creature by the river, and it follows him everywhere, quacking and copying his every move.

Can You Touch The Stars?
• 11m

One spring night, Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse settle in to enjoy Little White Owl's story of adventure and treasures. Inspired by her tale, the two set out to try and touch a shiny star.

The Scents of Spring
• 11m

One morning in the early springtime, Little Nutbrown Hare wakes to find the air filled with a delightful smell. He and Little Field Mouse search all over to find the source of the wonderful smell.

• 11m

It's spring blossom season and the pretty pink blossoms that come floating down the stream remind Big Nutbrown Hare of a magnificent cherry tree from his youth.

Fly the Nest
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare watches as Blue Bird's eggs hatch into three happy, chirpy baby birds. Fascinated and charmed by these youngsters, he visits them every day and even helps teach them to sing, play and fly.

Field of Flowers
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse innocently pick lots of spring flowers from a field and deliver bunches to their friends.

Snow White Hare
• 11m

Snow in the meadow is so deep that Little Nutbrown Hare has to stay under the Old Oak tree.

New Friend
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare follows some unusual tracks in the snow that eventually lead him to a shy little spotty deer.

Winter Surprise
• 11m

After a long quiet winter in the meadow Little Nutbrown Hare announces that he can't wait for winter to be over so he can enjoy the other seasons with their special treats to see, hear and taste.

Winter Coat
• 11m

When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that he has grown a thick winter coat, he and Little Field Mouse make a coat from moss to help other creatures in the meadow stay warm.

Moon Dance
• 11m

The Winter snow is softening in the meadow and Big Nutbrown Hare finds some beautiful flowers peeking through the snow, a sure sign that Spring is finally on its way.

Hidden Treasures
• 11m

Little Field Mouse finds a sparkly rock and announces that it's treasure. Little Nutbrown Hare wants a sparkly treasure too, so they set about finding him one that night, by the silvery light of the full moon.

Where's Little Redwood Fox?
• 11m

Seeing his tracks in the fresh snow inspires Little Nutbrown Hare to create a new game called 'snow seek'. The friends have a lot of fun creating tracks for Little Nutbrown Hare to follow.

It's Okay
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare is very proud of a Christmas tree he has built from pine cones. So proud, that when Little Field Mouse accidentally knocks it over, he has trouble forgiving her.

Lucky Stick
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse go on a trip with Big Nutbrown Hare to find the food he hid away during the warmer months. Little Nutbrown Hare plays with a stick along the way, which turns out to have many uses.

Slip Slop Slide
• 11m

On a cold but sunny morning in the middle of winter, Little Nutbrown Hare discovers his friends ice-skating on the frozen pond. He decides to give it a try but slips, slops and slides all over the ice!

Inside Day
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare is fascinated that Little Grey Squirrel is going to stay in his dray all winter long. He and Little Field Mouse decide to hibernate in the hollow log until spring, but soon become bored and fidgety...

• 11m

On a snowy winter's morning, Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are amazed at the intricate patterns that they find in the snowflakes, each one different from the others. The friends try to take one to show Big Nutbrown Hare, but they always melt before he sees them.

Snow Blanket
• 11m

The first snowfall of the Winter blankets the entire meadow, and Little Nutbrown Hare is confused because he can no longer see the bush, the log or his seedpod ball under all the snow!

Autumn's Here
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare awakes to find the leaves changing colour and falling off the trees. Autumn is here and it's time for change!

What Sound Does the Moon Make?
• 11m

One bright moonlit autumn night, the Nutbrown Hares are both having trouble sleeping. As they lie quietly in a pile of leaves they listen to the sounds of the night.

Big Like You
• 11m

Summer in the meadow is a great time to find tasty snacks to eat. Big Nutbrown Hare knows all the best tricks and hiding spots for the yummy treats and Little Nutbrown Hare wishes he was as big and smart as his father.

Favourite Thing
• 11m

One summer's day Little Field Mouse is very excited to show Little Nutbrown Hare a very pretty flower! She lets Little Nutbrown Hare borrow it but when it blows away Little Nutbrown Hare worries how his friend will react.

No Place Like Home
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare wakes early one summer morning before the sun has risen. Big Nutbrown Hare sends Little Nutbrown Hare off to invite his friends for breakfast so that he can rest a little longer. Along the way, Little Nutbrown Hare discovers how wonderful and different all his friends' homes are.

Blue Wonder
July 4, 2014 • 11m

The summer meadow is home to many amazing treasures of nature. When Little Nutbrown Hare finds a beautiful blue butterfly, he and Little Field Mouse go on a hunt for other blue treasures to bring back.

March Like An Ant
• 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare is disappointed when a trail of ants disappears with the delicious Spring berries he's found.

Treasure Hunt
January 1, 2012 • 11m

Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends go on a hunt for treasure in the meadow and collect all kinds of unique gems like flowers, feathers, apples and eggshells. But there's a hole in Little Nutbrown Hare's leaf-bag...

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