John-Boy comes back home after he hits upon hard times when he is in New York pursuing his writing career. The Baldwin sisters send out invitations for the lavish ball and the invitations are returned. The Waltons save the day for the Baldwins.
A 14 year old girl is promised marriage in mountain tradition. Mary Ellen interferes and the bride-groom kidnaps Elizabeth to get his bride back. Octavia, an eccentric cousin of the Baldwins, is treated to a visit by him.
John-Boy comes home to ponder his future and he ends up doing a TV show for Boatwright University. Rose is given a run for her money by Zuleika Dunbar over the affection of Stanley.
Tom Marshall, the new minister, comes to Walton's Mountain and shakes up the congregation. Toni moves into the Baldwin's home and she tells the family she's Jewish. Toni and Jason decide to get married.
Stanley Perkins comes again and eventually says he is suffering from a nervous break down. Because of a new singer at The Dew Drop Inn that pays too much attention to Toni, Jason has problems. Rose gives Stanley a gold watch.
Jim-Bob and Jody get discharged from the service. They celebrate and they decide to open up a garage. The Baldwin sisters get forced to close their recipe machine until they discover their Grandfather's still in a secret room.
Cindy's father gets killed and Cindy finds out she is adopted when she goes through some old papers. Cindy goes to find her Mother. Elizabeth and Drew have problems.
Mary Ellen finds out that Curt is still alive. He is living in Florida but is quite the different person from the man she remembers. J.D. asks Erin to come back to work by begging Erin.
Ben comes home from the war and tells John he wants to study engineering. The long awaited vacation that Erin plans to go on is interrupted. John tells the his family he has to take Olivia to Arizona to the sanitarium.
With the war drawing to a close, Jason and a young man in his squad deal with the question of killing. Ike and Corabeth face problems with the Ration Board.