Thinking that it is Jon's birthday soon, Ponch plans a surprise birthday party for him. A cattle owner is stealing his own cattle in order to rip off the assurance agency. A magician is showing some tricks when he and his daughter are pulled over for running through a red light. A young girl is trapped in her car when a drunk driver runs her off the road.
CHP officers usually ride in pairs, but this day Ponch leaves Jon to handle an emergency. While Jon is alone, an officer pulls up to a car and acts improperly, so frightening the female driver that she causes a traffic accident as she speeds away. As the Highway Patrol searches for for the unknown officer, Jon learns that the mystery man is apparently his double - and that his career is in jeopardy as long as the phony remains at large.
A car pulling a trailer with a boat swerves to avoid an oncoming car and smashes into a hair salon. Ponch has his mind set on buying the boat together with Jon. Being short on personnel, Jon and Ponch are assigned to the weigh station A car has gone over a cliff with a woman and her little girl inside.
Jon and Ponch arrest a thief who uses a motorcycle to rob drivers in traffic jams. When Jon recognizes the prisoner as a high-school classmate, a former football hero, he offers him help. Ponch has a crush on the beautiful model for a sun lotion ad campaign. Mesmerized by her pictures on highway billboards, he's determined to date the girl. Learning that Sgt. Getraer knows the model and her family, Ponch attempts to convince Getraer to arrange a date with his dream girl. He really gets an abrupt surprise when he meets Janey.
Always looking for opportunities to make money, Ponch discovers that Jon once worked as an instructor in a bowling alley and still is a great bowler. Keeping Jon's secret from the other CHiPs, Ponch places a series of bets that his partner will defeat all favorites in an upcoming police bowling tournament. As the officers approach a car that went through a stop sign, they get a surprise. The driver is actor Broderick Crawford, who starred as Dan Mathews in Highway Patrol, the hit 1950s series that could be called the ancestor of CHiPs.
When two thieves escape from Jon after a successful robbery at a toll booth, it is the start of a crime wave and a massive manhunt. Jon and Ponch later encounter a crashed limo with a time bomb on its back seat - and a man trapped beneath the car. Jon is writing a book about Ponch's funny accidents. When Ponch finds that out, Jon changes and depicts him as a heroic, modern day warrior.
A truck loses toxic baby food on the highway. A tramp pair with a baby finds two boxes. Ponch and Jon try to find the lost boxes. Ponch is interested in his neighbor Melinda, but Melinda falls in a love with Jon. On the highway Jon and Ponch save a dog out of a burning car. When they find the tramp family they save the baby by taking it on their motorbikes.
Ponch is giving a ticket to his old high school principal who asked him to tell about the CHP in his old school on career day. Jon and Ponch respond to a call about a traffic jam, they find that everyone's gawking at models nearby. Since Ponch's motorcycle needs repairs, Getraer sticks him on the front desk. When the helicopter pilot comes, Ponch jumps at the chance to leave. In the helicopter he helps Jon to find a lost boy and two elusive burglars. Later that afternoon as then Ponch gives his speech, he freezes up and Jon helps him by telling about saving the kid. Then Ponch wakes up and starts telling exaggerated stories without help.
When Jon and Ponch stop a speeding car on the freeway, a very large man emerges from the vehicle. The raging driver proceeds to take his car apart and wouldn't mind doing the same to Ponch who has made the mistake of laughing during the demolition. Later, Ponch himself gets a ticket, and to keep his driving record clean, enrolls in a driving safety course. There he meets people he's given tickets. The Sarge calls Jon to go to a woman whose husband died by an accident on this morning. Jon is nearly crying when the little son takes him for his daddy.
Ponch and Jon are chasing a dog which causes an accident. They bring it to Central and hide it in a truck. Some guys do sabotage on Jon's motorbike, but they wanted Ponch's. Jon and Ponch stop a motorbike driver who has frozen up. After they stop him he wanders off muttering how he never wants to ride it again. Jon and Ponch chase down a speeding car with a heart attack victim. They help to save him before an ambulance arrives. One of the boys who did sabotage to Jon's bike tells Getrear what they have done. The Sarge tries to warn Ponch , but Ponch realizes that they have done it to Jons motorbike. Jon falls off his bike but lukyliy he 's not even bruised. Finally the dog's owner shows up at CHP Central looking for his dog. Ponch gets him out of a truck and the dog proceeds to relieve itself on Sarge's motorbike. This synopsis was given from CHiPs Online