Hol az a Tádé?
February 25, 1969 • 9m

Raisins ask Manócska to give Táda a present because he won’t let him rummage through. Mouse will take you to visit. When Raisins can't find it, he's very desperate. Then he realizes how much he loves Tade and how much he misses her.

Szerencsére esik
February 18, 1969 • 10m

Manócska asks for help in grinding nuts, but everyone just points to the other. It has a lousy consequence in sight, but the little ones hope that in time its anger will dissipate. While they are walking in the woods, the cake discharges, but Manócska seems to keep his promise.

Az a nagyszájú
February 11, 1969 • 9m

Raisins find little Tád awkward because he can't rummage like him, he tells Mouse. Raisins meet Menus and are very angry that he brought such a clumsy little guinea pig with him. Raisins are held accountable for where they get it, when the answer reveals that from Mouse, Raisins are completely outraged.

A sárgarépa
February 4, 1969 • 7m

Raisins and Tade eat carrots. However, raisins eat it sooner. Leprechaun still gives Beetle a carrot, but she boasts that she still has it when the little guinea pig runs out. That's why Manócska rebukes him.

Az alvóbaba
January 28, 1969 • 9m

Raisins, Raisins, Mouse and Tade play sleeping dolls, pushing Tade in a stroller. Raisins quickly run over him and fight to be pushed in the car instead.

Hol kicsi, hol nagy
January 21, 1969 • 8m

Raisola considers herself a big boy when she has to do some work around the house, a little boy when it comes to having fun.

Tádé orra
January 14, 1969 • 9m

Raisins bear hard to bear, the little guinea pig still sleeps a lot. He thinks the new creation is his, he got it to finally have a playmate, he brags about it, uses it as a toy doll. It soon turns out that there is also work to be done to care for the little animal.

Vigyük haza
January 7, 1969 • 11m

Manócska and Raisins head to Futrinka Street to see the Scarecrow Museum. An abandoned guinea pig is found at the bus stop.

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