The gang run out of squizzles and join the Mushas on a quest to the elusive squizzle tree.
Ariela's pet grub Glowy is transformed into a wild and unpredictable creature - a gremmel.
The Tree Fu Rangers go on a mission to earn their Fungus Finder badges.
Tom gets more than he bargains for when he uses magic to make himself funny.
Strange treequakes beneath Treetop Castle lead Tom and Twigs into an epic adventure.
Zigzoo builds a train in the sap caverns to help Squirmtum with his work.
On a day of fun and pranks in Treetopolis, the Mushas use a crafty trick to cause trouble.
Tom and Twigs find Rickety's old racing car and challenge the Mushas to a race.
Tom loses a special toy bear and his search for it becomes an epic adventure.
Musha mischief threatens to ruin Spincake Day!
Tom is distracted by a group of sprites that hero-worship him and form a fan club.
Twigs greedily eats Ariela's special booster berries, which causes random growth spurts.
It's Harvest Festival Day in Treetopolis and the food attracts some hungry ants.
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