In this episode of the wildlife spin off series from the drama Wolfblood, Bobby Lockwood finds out about the surprising diversity of a wolf’s diet – from large animals such as buffalo to small arctic hares and even fish, plants and berries – and discovers the huge range of skills they use to hunt and capture their prey.
Wolfblood star Bobby Lockwood sets out to find out everything there is to know about wolves and to discover how their incredible capabilities have inspired the drama series. Bobby Lockwood finds out about a wolf's home - the land where it lives, hunts for its food and raises its family. It's an area it will defend in any way it can, from the simple marking of trails and boundaries, to snarling and growling and in extreme cases, ending up in a fight.
Wolfblood star Bobby Lockwood sets out to find out everything there is to know about wolves and to discover how their incredible capabilities have inspired the drama series. Bobby explores wolf brain power - how their big brains help them to remember where their prey can be found and how sometimes they have been able to avoid being captured.