Officer Mancini races to help Officer Holmes after a reckless UTV accident.
A woman is suspected of being in possession of flying squirrel kits.
A family of ATV riders is busted for breaking the law.
Officers must find the culprit responsible for nearby gunshots.
Officers rush to the aid of an injured hiker trapped on Mount Monadnock.
The Fish and Game Dive Team searches the water for gravestones and bodies.
The annual GoNorth Snowfest starts with a bang and ends in citations.
An investigation takes a turn for unsuspecting anglers.
At an annual fishing tournament, anglers are cited for breaking the law.
On the Bald Mountain Trail, officers help rescue an injured hiker.
Officer Cyrs rushes to the site of a head-on snowmobile accident.
Officers Canfield and Jones use an ROV to search the Merrimack River.
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