Episode 7
June 1, 2014 • 1h

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Carlos de los Santos & Human Combustion
October 2, 2013 • 1h

Closely examining recent cases including ones in Ireland and Oklahoma, and a U.S. survivor of spontaneous human combustion that has lived to tell viewers his horrifying tale. Carlos de los Santos- Pilot Carlos de los Santos is en route to Mexico City Airport, when he is suddenly surrounded by three UFOs. Carlos is terrified as the silver discs seem to disable his aircraft, then raise it to a high altitude, threatening a fatal stall. Carlos regains control when the strange objects suddenly dart off to a volcano at inconceivably high speeds, completing aerial manoeuvres that were unheard of at the time. Investigation proves that Carlos was neither intoxicated or under the influence of durgs and the actual 18-minute recording of his desperate Mayday call to the airport attests to his genuine panic. It is first time testimony from a radar operator that could prove that Carlos's plane may have been trailed by UFOs.

Alien Blood Rain, Carolina Beach Boom & Voynich Manuscript
September 25, 2013 • 1h

There are many areas around the world where rainwater has turned a disturbing shade of red. The most mysterious rain of all is the Blood Red Rains of Kerala, India. Could this mysterious rain be carrying alien life? If so, how does it arrive on Earth? Carolina Beach Boom- Residents of a beach town in South Carolina experience a mysterious boom that rumbles the ground around them and shakes the glass on their windows, sometimes on a weekly basis. Locals speculate that it could be because of alien involvement or secret military tests, but no one has been able to get to the bottom of these strange events. Voynich Manuscript- Bought by the book dealer Wilfried Voynich in 1912, and now held by Yale University's Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the manuscript has been described as the world's most mysterious manuscript. It seems to be hundreds of years old, and is written in an unknown language (or unbreakable cipher) and filled with bizarre images of plants that do not exist on earth. What is it? Who wrote it?

UFO, Mothman & Morgellon's Disease
September 18, 2013 • 1h

Joaquin V Gonzalez, a small town in Argentina seems to attract UFO's. A local mayor has recorded hundreds of UFOs over 20 years. In 1995 one crashed into a nearby mountain range- local pilot Tony Galvagno and his friends locate the crash site but are barred from investigating further. In 2009, 200 witnesses see a brilliant white shining craft in the sky. Some onlookers manage to take photos of it before the town is plunged into darkness. The power outage stretches over a 120-mile area and lasts for over 12 hours. Could alien visitors really be targeting the town? And if so, why? Mothman- On November 15, 1966, four people witnessed a huge winged creature as they sat in their cars on the outskirts of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. It was six to seven feet tall with red eyes and no head, as if the eyes were in its chest. Over the next 13 months more than 100 others saw the creature. The winged creature became known as The Mothman and was seen as a harbinger of doom. Morgellon's Disease- Sufferers of this strange disease report fatigue, awful skin lesions, aches and pains, a sensation that insects are crawling under their skin and odd multi-colored fibers emerging from their bodies. Thousands of people around the world believe they have Morgellon's, but the disease does not officially exist! The majority of doctors regard it as a form of delusional infestation, but some sufferers of the disease believe it could have extraterrestrial origins.

Freaky Fires & Ghost Yacht
September 11, 2013 • 1h

In late 2003, in a small village in northern Sicily, ordinary household electronic items like refrigerators, toasters and televisions suddenly began bursting into flames and exploding seemingly at random. Air conditioners erupted even when unplugged. Computers jammed. Cellphones rang when no one was calling and electronic door locks in empty cars went demonically up and down. The mystery was left unsolved. Ghost Yacht- The Kaz II, dubbed the ghost yacht, is a catamaran, which was found drifting 88 nautical miles off the northern coast of Australia on April 18, 2007. The fate of her three-man crew remains unknown, and the mysterious circumstances in which they disappeared still puzzle authorities, family and friends. When the boat was found there appeared to be no signs of struggle and items on board were untouched-there was even a full cup of coffee and an open running laptop left undisturbed. How did the three men vanish without a trace?

Livestock Mutilation & Curse of the Ice Mummy
September 4, 2013 • 1h

This gruesome phenomenon, where livestock are unusually and, sometimes, inexplicably mutilated and killed, was first reported in Britain in the 19th Century and in the U.S. in the 1960s. It still happens today. As recently as November 29, 2012, David Mitchell, a Scottish farmer, found one of his sheep slaughtered with surgical precision, its heart, lungs and liver laid out meticulously on the hillside and a pair of surgical gloves lying next to the remains. Curse of the Ice Mummy- In September 1991, a couple was hiking in the Alps near the Austrian-Italian border when they suddenly noticed a skeleton poking out of the ice. It was the body of what appeared to be a perfectly preserved warrior, complete with fur robes, leather shoes and a bow and arrow. Scientists studying the body dubbed it the Iceman. The Iceman is one of the oldest preserved bodies ever found and has provided us with invaluable information about mankind's past. But many involved in the excavation of the body have unexpectedly died - could the remains be cursed, putting everyone who touches the body at risk?

Missing Pilot + Texas Blue Dogs
August 28, 2013 • 1h

Valentich- Pilot Fred Valentich and his light aircraft disappeared without a trace from the skies above southern Australia in 1978. Texas Blue Dogs- Since 2004 bizarre, blue-eyed and hunch backed creatures are mutilating livestock in Texas.

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