Jack, Elizabeth and Abigail lead the people of Hope Valley in an urgent mission to rescue trapped miners after a landslide.
Elizabeth struggles to get along with Jack's mother, a gritty and challenging frontierswoman, after she rides into town in the night.
A stunning display of love becomes a source of encouragement for the whole of Hope Valley. Abigail must make a painful concession.
Abigail welcomes Becky back into her home, but soon faces a difficult decision. Jack and Elizabeth approach a new horizon in their relationship.
As a call for compassion reverberates throughout a struggling Hope Valley, Jack and Faith's friendship proves problematic for Elizabeth.
After Frank and Abigail show everyone in Hope Valley the value of redemption, the town becomes overrun by a gang of dangerous outlaws.
The people of Hope Valley turn against Frank after his secret gets out. Abigail resolves to prove that past mistakes don't tell the whole story.
Abigail discovers Gowen's sordid scheme. Frank struggles with a troubled past as Elizabeth surprises Jack with the revelation of her own property.
The townsfolk celebrate the New Year, which allows Jack and Elizabeth to make a fresh start. Meanwhile, Rosemary and Lee have a new adventure and Pastor Hogan runs into an unwelcome visitor from his past.
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