The One with the Tiny Motorbikes
November 23, 2006

Yorkie and Dixie are on a stakeout in Whitley. Roma and Ronnie are with them while they work their way through a range of magazines and do semaphore between the cars before doing a Most Haunted audition once darkness falls. And it takes them two nights of that before they get the chance to successfully spring the trap. Interestingly – even Lee whispers! The magnificent Mr Samuels makes his last ever appearance on Road Wars, stopping a chap who takes great exception to being nicked for the cannabis in his pocket. Apparently his name is ‘Noneofyourbusiness’ – though he doesn’t reveal whether it’s his first or last name.

The One where Charlie gets the Blues
November 16, 2006

Yorkie and Dixie tackle a pair of wanted men found by CCTV and crush their golden pushbike to stop them getting away; or at least one of them, anyway. Shame the guy they’ve got isn’t the guy they were after! Charlie and Chris demonstrate the Piggott Crim Radar once again and nab a chap on a bike who resembles a persistent thief. Though the green plant material in his pockets is an unexpected bonus. Simon and Chris are in Bracknell doing more Falconry and investigate odd teenage behaviour in a multi-storey carpark. Ronnie and Roma pitch in to help when the tantrums begin and spittle flies.

The One with the Misinterpreted Comfort Break
November 9, 2006

Yorkie and Lloydy interrupt Chris and Simon’s lunch with a scary car chase which ends halfway up an embankment on the M1 – leading to a nice walk in the country for half the force. Charlie and Ruffy try to stop someone who fits a description. It’s not the guy they’re after, but he gets aggressive over the whole thing when all he needed to do was give his details and be on his way in less than 30 seconds. Fortunately, Roma arrives and calms it all down again. Charlie and Ruffy do an ANPR stop over an out of date tax disc and, the driver also only has a provisional license – but no L plates. And his ‘supervisor’ has had his license revoked.

The One with the Rather Nasty Injury
November 2, 2006

Chris’s Crim Radar spikes again, leading him and Simon to stop a car with a passenger who makes a run for it, leaving Simon on the floor with a knee injury as he attempts to give chase. Chris ends up sorting out a binbag full of cannabis and a raft of paperwork showing just exactly who’s been making money from it, and his mobile phone, so they can call him at home if they want! Charlie and Ruffy carry out surveillance to grab a wanted man with a habit of running away and snatch him at a fast food counter! Simon and Chris, Ruffy and Charlie indulge in some more Falconry and the op they’re on reveals a drugs haul to make the eyes explode, not to mention more than a few brain cells if they had ended up on the street.

The One with the New Species of Tree
October 26, 2006

Carrying out a drugs stop, Charlie, Chris and Simon make a right mess of a Renault Megane while Ruffy batters ineffectually at the passenger window; is it made of Transparent Aluminium or something? And Grant’s waiting for them back in the Custody Suite… Chris and Simon help to nab a pair of distraction burglars at a set of traffic lights Yorkie and Dixie collar a burglar that’s just left the scene using their Crim Radars. The chap is, naturally, not pleased at being stopped – but, hey; what’re those credit cards in different names doing in his pocket and how come a nearby tree has grown a pair of socks? And, as for the stolen goods in the wheelie bin… Chris and Andy give an unfortunate, burgled household a rude awakening at three in the morning.

The One with the Flying Beercan
October 19, 2006

Charlie and Ruffy track down an ANPR hit, whose driver ends up falling through a garage roof trying to get away. Simon and Chris catch up with a previous stop from ep one – but this time it’s his passenger who’s got the drugs. Chris, Simon and Ronnie do a drugs stop and deal with a guy who goes a bit, well, berserk in the back of their car. Just as well there’s three of them. Yorkie and Dixie sort out a minor fracas in a supermarket carpark involving a bit of stolen golf gear, a flying beer can and a guy with wings on his heels. Charlie and Ruffy hit the streets with tracker and come up trumps with some high value vehicles. And Charlie makes his first track!

The One with the M1 Samurai Chase
October 12, 2006

Chris and Simon step into the breach in a nasty car chase and save the day with a baton strike or two. Chris and Simon interrupt a healthy lunch to tackle a really angry bloke showing off a rather big sword. And he’s much taller than either of them! Chris, Simon, Ronnie, Roma, Charlie and Ruffy, in association with Conrad – now a motorbike cop – chase a nasty piece of work on the M1 with another sword – and this time the bloke’s not afraid to use it. Scary stuff. Not to mention Ronnie’s now famous prang with the marked car. Charlie and Ruffy head out to arrest a bail defaulter – and find a man with a head wound. By the time they finally get to the flat they were looking for, everyone ends up in trouble! Yorkie and Dixie chase down some panic-stricken teenagers in a Peugeot and give their own car a flat in the process. One of them, when caught, wants her mum.

The One with the Over Optimistic Cash Thief
October 5, 2006

Simon and Chris tackle a car thief in the snow – who comes very close to turning Chris into a pancake with his car. Charlie and Chris out doing some Drug Dealer Falconry find some shady characters lurking in the bushes. Back at the nick, their arrestee’s drug stash is found in his nether regions, and someone in the custody suite fancies an attempt to swipe the takings! And, is that Grant behind the counter? Charlie and Chris head back out for some more Falconry and a demonstration of their Crim Radars Charlie and Ruffy tackle a sensitive situation with a garden spade. Chris and Simon demonstrate the Jedi-like powers of the Proactive team by tracking down a car thief to a wheelie bin! Yorkie and Dixie get down to a spot of Car Washing before heading out to track down disqualified drivers in bushes.

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