The One With the Damaged Digit
December 9, 2008

Waller and Kev are in Slough – heading to intercept a nicked car. Apparently the car is now parked up while the driver does some shopping, so they head off to find it and wait for his return. There’s also an ARV at the other end of the road who can deploy a stop stick if necessary. It isn’t – as they manage to shock and awe the occupants enough to prevent them driving off. The stop has resulted in a few injuries, the driver getting a grazed face, and Kev a busted finger. Waller, however, is ready to run down anyone who flees – being able to run like a gazelle.

The One With the Reluctanct Pooch
December 2, 2008

Kev and Waller are lurking around Slough on patrol, and are almost immediately called to apprehend a gang who have been spotted by an off-duty officer removing a card copying device from a cashpoint machine. Three of them are grouped around a car, so the opportunity to catch them ‘in the act’ is too good to miss and the Boys don’t want to mess it up. They execute a perfect strike, despite there only being two of them, Kev having to rugby tackle one of them to the ground, while Waller has managed to detain the other two alongside the car before they had a chance to flee.

The One With the Most Boring Shift Ever
November 25, 2008

There’s been a spate of vamoose burglaries in Reading, and Dan and Daz are on the case. They’ve just been overtaken by a sprightly Ford Focus, and their speed is such that blues and twos go on so that the Guys can follow more safely – and the chase is on. Eventually the driver mucks up a handbrake turn and stalls, before fleeing with Dan in hot pursuit which he has to break off when the guy decides to head onto a main railway line. Unfortunately, in backing up Dan, Daz has been forced to leave the Focus unattended, so the passengers have scarpered as well.

The One Where Dan Gets a bit Enthusiastic
November 18, 2008

Dan and Daz are in Reading on their way to a pub where a fight has broken out. Details are very sketchy, so they’re not sure what to expect – and find a woman with blood all over her face and a very, very active mouth. Donning gloves, Dan immediately requests an ambulance while he and Dan try very hard to work out how on earth she has got into such a mess. It turns out that her alleged attacker is still in the pub, and she wants him arrested for assault, so Daz heads inside.

The One With the £80 Penny
November 11, 2008

Waller and Kev are in Bracknell, on their way to assist with breaking up a whopper fight as there’s no one else available. When they arrive, there’s only a guy with a mop and bucket, who redirects them, and they find a lone officer attempting to break up an ongoing argument. They’ve all been drinking, which has clearly exacerbated matters, and one of them is happy to fight with anyone going – though they’re happy to let him on his way if he just shuts up.

The One With the Even More Dangerous Liaison
November 4, 2008

Dan and Daz are out and about in Slough, responding to a call from a local resident who is concerned at what appears to be drug dealing in a local park. Daz takes the cartoony approach, and they sneak up to a fence in true comedy style, with Dan peeking over the top of the fence, and Daz crouching to look through a knot hole. Spotting the suspects, they consider a suitable way of ambushing the group – and watch a deal take place from their hiding place. Rather than attempt to nab the guys in the park, they instead decide to speak to the customers, who are now heading away – Dan on foot, Daz in the car.

The One With the Multitasking Cameraman
October 28, 2008

Lloydy and Jim are in Slough are heading in to assist Charlie in nicking two guys involved in a drug deal. One of them has, apparently, gone into a cul de sac so they head in that general description armed with a description from Charlie, and start searching gardens. Lots and lots of gardens. As more coppers arrive, Kev spots the suspect and, delicately, attempts to climb over the wall – whereas Huey, being far more direct, hurtles straight through the gate and collars the guy amid a veritable forest of satellite dishes.

The One With the Dogless Dog Man
October 21, 2008

Dan and Daz start their shift in Reading with a drugs raid. With a bit of hasty tooling up, they head to the house, enforcer at the ready, and – seven knocks later – they’re in. The house is clearly a place where drugs are used, though apparently in better nick than the Chaps were expecting, as they commence the incredibly thorough search that will be required. Dixie is upstairs with new colleague Tom French, where they find clear evidence of major drugs use, the floor behind the bed littered with needles and the walls spattered with little flecks of blood. Gross it may be, but the one thing they needed to find – drugs – weren’t in evidence that day.

The One With the Painful Misfire
October 14, 2008

Tristan is on patrol with Bella – and is called to an incident of criminal damage, in which young man has smashed the window of a young offenders’ rehab centre. Having found the youth concerned, Tristan discovers that the situation is far more serious as the lad has a piece of broken glass in one hand, and knife in the other – and he’s been slicing at himself with the glass. The youth refuses to be placated, and threatens to keep on cutting at himself, before taking exception at the presence of the camera and running at the cameraman.

The One With the Unconventional Stop Stick Capture
October 7, 2008

Midnight in Reading. Daz and Dan are out on patrol and are called to a possible burglary, as a man as seen people crawling over the roof of a building. A chopper is en route, and the fire brigade are coming in with ladders. The use of the Night Sun reveals all, but we don’t see it as the Lads are called away to deal with some vamoose burglars currently being pursued. Dan recognises the driver of the fleeing car as the kid in the Corsa from Episode 9, and they’re driving along the exact same route as that chase so the stakes are upped as that driver got away.

The One With the Mega-Tantrum of All Time
September 30, 2008

Waller and Kev are in Slough on patrol, and are behind a car whose driving leaves a lot to be desired, possibly because he’s been distracted by his girlfriend, who he’s been snogging at the temporary traffic lights. The car pongs of booze, so a breath test is in order – though the passenger locks herself in; apparently she’s scared. Once they get both occupants out, questioning starts, but the girl seems to be getting mega upset, and somehow convinces herself (wrongly) that Kev has agreed to let her go if she talks to him. There are suggestions that the guy deals Crystal Meth, and it’s possible that one or the other of them has hidden some drugs somewhere, but the girl gets so hysterical that it becomes impossible to deal with her.

The One With The Etheridge Patented Gate Opening Service
September 23, 2008

Daz and Dan are in Reading, and fall in behind a Corsa which pulls an illicit U-turn, causing Dan to pull out a tidy cliché before they try to pull the Corsa. The Corsa driver, however, has other plans and a pursuit ensues. Simon and JK are also in the area, and head in to assist. The fleeing driver doesn’t give a stuff about anything other than getting away, and Dan suspects the vehicle has been stolen. Attempts to lay a stop stick fail as the driver goes a different way, so Dan requests permission to carry out a TPAC once they’re on a suitable road. This turns out not to be necessary as the car flies down a dead end, and the driver flees on foot – hurtling through fences, rather than over them.

The One With the Part Time Porn Star
September 16, 2008

Simon and Conrad are in Slough – their patrol is interrupted by a sudden chase of a wanted bilker in a silver Vectra which heads over pavements and the wrong sides of roads as the fleeing driver attempts to get away, coming within an ace of hitting vehicles in all direction. Sooner or later he’s going to come a cropper, and eventually does – fleeing into the night and leaving a nasty prang behind him. The search involves a chopper and Mark who, as the search falters, ends up being called in to help with a totally different wanted man who’s been spotted by a local team also taking part in the search!

The One With Waller's One Man Door Replacement Outfit
September 9, 2008

Charlie and Mish are in Slough in conjunction with Lloydy and Jim to help stop a pursuit. Charlie’s a bit lost, but this is less of a problem as the driver has abandoned the car and is now on foot – therefore being much slower. Anna is able to help them catch up with things once they finally make it to the scene, while Jim and Lloydy work on searching for the guy who is now, reportedly on the tracks of the main London-West Wales line, while everyone else, on the other side of the railway checks gardens. Much racing back and forth ensues as the suspect hops from one side of the line to the other, despite there being a high speed train due. As they are forbidden to join him on the tracks, Lloydy keeps watch from up a tree to see where the guy will emerge, sending off to a likely spot – but turns out to be perfectly placed to make the arrest himself – and viewers get the chance to play ‘count the bleeps’.

The One With the Frenetic Biro Technique
September 2, 2008

Conrad and Simon are in Taplow, but heading post haste towards Reading in search of a ‘vamoose’ car (i.e. stolen using keys burgled from the owner’s house) which has been left parked there. They pair up with Roma and Kev to await the return of the thieves in order to capture them before recovering the vehicle. Fortunately, they don’t have to wait long, and pile in to nab all but one of the thieves, who vaults over a high fence while Dave Jones helps his dog over to find any possible trail, despite the heavy rain. Needless to say, the humour flies in thick and fast about the high fence, as we all recall the last time Simon tried to vault one! Waller and Flipper head to Reading to help deal with a bloke who has threatened his ex-girlfriend with a knife. The threat of the knife is real, so an ARV is deployed – taser on hand – to ensure he doesn’t use it on anyone.

The One With the Impossibly Tight Squeeze
August 26, 2008

Conrad and Simon are in Slough, and head off to assist a youth who has been violently assaulted to force him to relinquish his bike. The report has come in from a good samaritan with whom the victim has sought refuge and so they head there first. It looks like he’s had a pretty nasty blow to the face, and a possible broken nose. He is able to give a description of the bike, along with some money and a mobile. Armed with descriptions, they head off in search of the ‘oiks’, and it doesn’t take too long to find some likely suspects. The lads know they’ve been spotted, so they flee – but not before hastily hiding the bike in a stairwell.

The One With the Open Plan Shed
August 19, 2008

Charlie and Mish are in Bracknell and head in to assist with a drugs raid – along with anyone else in the team who is available. Except for the point where they run out of petrol and have to go and fill up, and then get stuck in traffic despite the sirens. Finally, everyone gets together – but it’s too late as the suspects have already driven off. Teaming up with Roma and new boy Kev Murphy with Flipper lurking on the sidelines, they move in, but have to wait again, as the suspects are now out and about on foot. As the suspected dealer has been known to attempt to swallow her stash, they want to get in quickly and hard – and boy, do they!

The One With the Independent Hound
August 12, 2008

Simon and Conrad are out and about in Slough when they recognise the driver of a car they’ve been advised as being wanted for drugs offences (though apparently looking like Boris Becker is not a crime), so they turn around and head off after him, with Charlie and Mish heading in for backup. They lose the car briefly, but CCTV find it parked up, so they settle down to wait for him to come back to it and drive off again. The stop itself is – initially – pretty uneventful, as the driver gives himself up at once. His two female passengers, on the other hand, make things extremely eventful, when they loudly object to being filmed and decide to have a go at Simon as he won’t let them drive the car away – primarily because they’re uninsured to do so.

The One With the Dangerous Liaison
August 5, 2008

Simon and Conrad are near Slough, and head off to assist a bus driver under attack nearby, with a robbery in progress. They arrive with superb timing and manage to snaffle the thief as he attempts to flee, all without disturbing Mr Hills’s shades! The suspect complains that he hasn’t done anything wrong – though the shaken bus driver says otherwise. The bus has a wide range of smashed windows and mirrors but, fortunately, no one has been hurt. Though the suspect doesn’t take at all kindly to being taken to the nick.

The One With the Awkward Prang
July 29, 2008

Charlie and new partner Mish Ryan are out in Slough and are alerted by their ANPR to a parked up Volvo with a bit of a criminal history, so they park up and wait for someone to return to it, as they suspect that the driver may well not be properly documented. The planned stop doesn’t, however, go according to plan as the driver decides he doesn’t want a word – but, being in a cul de sac, he’s had to flee down a footpath and gets a bit of a headstart, leaving Charlie to guess where he’s gone. By chance they catch up head to head, and the Volvo reverses away from them at speed, barging backwards past anything in the way.

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